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Erich von Drachenfels

High Commander

Erich von Drachenfels is the enigmatic and fearsome High Commander of the Drakongarde, the elite pseudo-military organization within the Nordreik. Known for his unyielding loyalty to the emperor and his ruthless enforcement of the Nordreik's ideological purity, von Drachenfels is a figure of immense power and influence. His rise to prominence is shrouded in mystery, but his impact on the Nordreik is undeniable. As the architect of the Drakongarde's brutal and efficient operations, he has cemented his reputation as one of the most formidable leaders in the empire.

Born into a prestigious Thuringian family, von Drachenfels was groomed from a young age for leadership and military excellence. His early years were marked by rigorous training and indoctrination, instilling in him a deep-seated belief in the supremacy of the Thuringian bloodline. His ascent through the military ranks was swift, fueled by his exceptional strategic mind, unwavering dedication, and a ruthless approach to achieving his goals. By the time he assumed command of the Drakongarde, von Drachenfels had already demonstrated a remarkable ability to inspire fear and loyalty in equal measure.

Under von Drachenfels' leadership, the Drakongarde has become synonymous with terror and absolute control. He has meticulously crafted the organization's ideology and structure, ensuring that every member is fiercely loyal to the cause and the emperor. His presence is both commanding and intimidating, with an aura of authority that leaves little room for dissent. Through a combination of strategic brilliance, ideological fervor, and a willingness to employ extreme measures, Erich von Drachenfels has transformed the Drakongarde into an unstoppable force, dedicated to the purification and domination of the Nordreik.

Personality Characteristics


Erich von Drachenfels is driven by a complex web of motivations and desires, deeply rooted in his upbringing and the ideological indoctrination he underwent from an early age. His primary motivation is an unwavering belief in the supremacy of the Thuringian bloodline, a doctrine instilled in him by his family and reinforced through rigorous training and education. Von Drachenfels genuinely believes that the purity and strength of the Thuringian people are paramount to the survival and dominance of the Nordreik, and he views his role as High Commander of the Drakongarde as a divine mission to protect and enforce this purity.

His desire for order and control is another significant driving force. Having witnessed the chaos and instability that can arise from perceived impurities and ideological dissent, von Drachenfels is determined to maintain absolute control over the Nordreik. He sees the Drakongarde as the perfect instrument to achieve this goal, using its power to instill fear, enforce strict discipline, and eliminate any threats to the empire's unity. This desire for control extends to all aspects of life within the Nordreik, from the public behavior of its citizens to the private thoughts and beliefs of those within his organization.

Additionally, von Drachenfels is motivated by a personal ambition to leave a lasting legacy. He seeks to be remembered as the architect of a new, purified Nordreik, a realm where the Thuringian people can thrive free from the influences of those he deems impure. This ambition is not merely for personal glory but is tied to a profound sense of duty and destiny. Von Drachenfels believes that his actions will shape the future of the Nordreik for generations to come, creating a society that embodies the highest ideals of strength, purity, and unity. This relentless drive for ideological purity, order, and legacy makes Erich von Drachenfels a formidable and relentless leader.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Nineteenth day of the Fifth Month
Year of Birth
188 AV 34 Years old
Piercing blue eyes that convey both intelligence and intimidation
Jet black, kept meticulously short and styled in a severe, military fashion, with a hint of silver at the temples that adds to his commanding presence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair with a slightly weathered tone
6 feet 4 inches (193 cm)
220 pounds (100 kg)
Aligned Organization


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