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The Drakongarde is an elite and fearsome pseudo-military organization within the Empire of Therengia, also known as the Nordreik. This shadowy force operates under the strict command of Erich von Drachenfels, a figure whose name inspires both dread and awe throughout the empire. Drawing their lineage from the ancient Thuringians, the original inhabitants of Therengia, the Drakongarde is steeped in a complex blend of martial prowess, ideological purity, and arcane rituals.

Founded in the wake of increasing tensions between the Nordreik and the Elven communities, the Drakongarde emerged as the enforcers of The Elven Exclusion Act. Their primary mission is the removal of elves, half-elves, drow, and other "undesirables" from the empire. Though their methods are often brutal and public, designed to instill fear and obedience, they are also capable of operating with ruthless efficiency and subtlety when required.

The Drakongarde presents itself as the pinnacle of human potential within the Nordreik. Through a relentless propaganda campaign, they are depicted as the ideal that all citizens should aspire to—a vision of purity, strength, and unwavering loyalty to the empire. This propaganda, crafted by the Nordreik’s information management department, portrays the Drakongarde as protectors and paragons of the empire’s virtues, fostering a culture of zealotry and devotion among the populace.

Members of the Drakongarde are selected from the ranks of the Baron's Own Militia and the elite The Order of the Dragon Shield, adhering to rigid physical and ideological standards. Their uniforms, a striking blend of black and red, symbolize their authority and the blood of their enemies. Each member bears the Ehrenring, a revered symbol of their commitment to the Drakongarde's cause, awarded by von Drachenfels himself.

With a combination of terrifying public displays and intricate rituals, the Drakongarde maintains its iron grip on the empire, ensuring that the vision of the Nordreik remains unchallenged.


The culture of the Drakongarde is meticulously crafted to instill a sense of absolute loyalty, ideological purity, and unyielding discipline among its members. This culture is a cornerstone of their effectiveness and serves to maintain the unity and focus required for their ruthless operations within the Empire of Therengia, or the Nordreik. The core beliefs and customs of the Drakongarde shape the way its members perceive and react to the world around them, fostering a culture that is both fearsome and revered.

Core Beliefs


At the heart of the Drakongarde's culture lies an unwavering belief in the supremacy of the Thuringian bloodline and the divine right of the Nordreik to dominate and purify the land. This belief system is deeply rooted in the organization's ideology, which asserts that only those of pure Thuringian descent possess the strength and purity necessary to lead and protect the empire. Members are indoctrinated to see themselves as the ultimate defenders of this purity, tasked with purging any elements deemed impure or undesirable.

  The Drakongarde also adheres to a strict code of honor and duty. Loyalty to the High Commander, Erich von Drachenfels, and to the ideals of the Nordreik is paramount. This loyalty is not just to the leadership but to the concept of the Nordreik itself—a vision of a unified, pure, and powerful empire. Members are taught that their individual lives are secondary to the greater good of the empire, fostering a culture of self-sacrifice and relentless dedication.


Customs and Rituals


Rituals play a significant role in the Drakongarde, reinforcing their beliefs and strengthening their bonds. These rituals often draw from ancient Thuringian traditions and incorporate elements of pagan mysticism. Initiation rites for new recruits are particularly elaborate, involving oaths of loyalty, blood pacts, and symbolic acts of purification. These ceremonies are designed to strip away the recruit's former identity and fully integrate them into the Drakongarde.

Daily life within the Drakongarde is regimented and disciplined. Training is rigorous and continuous, ensuring that members are always at peak physical and mental readiness. This training is not only about combat skills but also includes ideological education and indoctrination. Members are regularly reminded of their duty and the importance of maintaining purity, both in their actions and thoughts.

Uniforms and symbols are also crucial to the Drakongarde's culture. The striking black and red uniforms are meticulously maintained, symbolizing the organization's authority and the blood of their enemies. The Ehrenring, a ring awarded to members by von Drachenfels himself, is a revered symbol of their commitment and status. Wearing the Ehrenring is both a privilege and a constant reminder of their duty to the Nordreik.


Perception and Interaction with the World


The Drakongarde's culture fosters a distinct perception of the world. Members view themselves as superior beings, destined to lead and purify the Nordreik. This belief in their own superiority manifests in their interactions with both allies and enemies. Within the Nordreik, they are seen as paragons of virtue and strength, the ultimate defenders of the empire's ideals. Their presence commands respect and fear, reinforcing their authority and the cultural narrative of the Nordreik's supremacy.

To those deemed impure or undesirable, such as elves, half-elves, and drow, the Drakongarde are figures of terror. Their ruthless methods and public displays of power serve to instill fear and submission. The Drakongarde's approach to these groups is one of absolute intolerance, driven by their core belief in the necessity of purity and the removal of any elements that threaten this ideal.

Propaganda and Public Image

The Drakongarde's culture is heavily influenced by the propaganda crafted by the Nordreik’s information management department. This propaganda portrays the Drakongarde as the epitome of human potential, promoting their image as protectors and paragons of the empire’s virtues. This carefully controlled narrative reinforces their cultural values and ensures that the populace views them with reverence and awe.   Public ceremonies and parades are common, showcasing the Drakongarde’s discipline, strength, and loyalty. These events serve to inspire the citizens of the Nordreik and reinforce the cultural ideals of unity and purity. The propaganda also emphasizes the sacrifices made by the Drakongarde, portraying them as heroes who dedicate their lives to the protection and advancement of the empire.

Internal Dynamics


Within the Drakongarde, a culture of competition and excellence is cultivated. Members are encouraged to constantly strive for improvement and to outshine their peers. This competitive environment ensures that only the best rise through the ranks, maintaining the high standards expected of the Drakongarde. However, this competition is balanced by a strong sense of camaraderie and mutual support. Members are taught to see themselves as part of a greater whole, working together to achieve the ultimate goal of a pure and powerful Nordreik.

Punishments for failure or disobedience are severe, reinforcing the importance of discipline and loyalty. The Drakongarde’s disciplinary officers ensure that any breach of protocol is swiftly and harshly dealt with, maintaining the strict order necessary for their operations. Despite the harshness, these measures are accepted and even embraced by the members, who view them as necessary to uphold the integrity and effectiveness of the Drakongarde.

The culture of the Drakongarde is a complex blend of ideological purity, rigorous discipline, and mystical traditions. It shapes the way its members perceive and interact with the world, fostering a sense of superiority and unwavering dedication to the Nordreik. Through a combination of rituals, propaganda, and strict training, the Drakongarde maintains its position as a feared and revered force within the empire, embodying the ideals of strength, purity, and loyalty.

Public Agenda

The Drakongarde's public agenda is meticulously crafted to align with their core beliefs and the overarching goals of the Nordreik. This agenda serves to legitimize their actions, rally public support, and ensure the continued dominance of their ideology.

Purification of the Nordreik

The primary objective of the Drakongarde's public agenda is the purification of the Nordreik. This involves the systematic removal of elves, half-elves, drow, and other groups deemed undesirable or impure. The Drakongarde presents this as a necessary measure to protect the cultural and genetic purity of the Nordreik. Propaganda campaigns emphasize the dangers these groups allegedly pose, portraying them as threats to the safety, unity, and prosperity of the empire.

Protection and Security

Another crucial element of the Drakongarde's public agenda is the protection and security of the Nordreik. They position themselves as the ultimate defenders of the empire, responsible for safeguarding its borders, enforcing its laws, and maintaining public order. Public demonstrations of their strength and discipline, such as parades and military exercises, serve to reassure the populace of their capability and readiness to defend the Nordreik against any threats.

Promotion of Ideological Purity

The Drakongarde actively promotes the ideology of Thuringians supremacy and the divine right of the Nordreik to dominate. This involves a continuous effort to indoctrinate the population with their beliefs, ensuring that the ideals of purity, strength, and loyalty are deeply ingrained in the public consciousness. Educational programs, public speeches, and propaganda materials are used to spread these ideas, shaping the worldview of the Nordreik's citizens.

National Unity and Strength

Fostering a sense of national unity and strength is a central theme in the Drakongarde's public agenda. They emphasize the importance of unity in achieving the empire's goals and portray the Drakongarde as the embodiment of this unity. By presenting themselves as paragons of virtue and dedication, they inspire the populace to strive for the same ideals. This effort to build a cohesive and motivated society is crucial for maintaining the stability and power of the Nordreik.

Advancement of the Nordreik

The Drakongarde's public agenda includes the advancement of the Nordreik through the promotion of scientific, magical, and cultural achievements. They support initiatives that showcase the empire's superiority and innovation, positioning the Nordreik as a beacon of progress and enlightenment. By aligning themselves with these achievements, the Drakongarde reinforces their image as protectors and promoters of the empire's greatness.

Suppression of Dissent

To maintain their grip on power, the Drakongarde actively works to suppress any form of dissent or opposition. They portray dissenters as enemies of the state, using propaganda to discredit and vilify them. Public trials and punishments for traitors and rebels serve as stark warnings to others, reinforcing the consequences of opposing the Drakongarde and their vision for the Nordreik.

The public agenda of the Drakongarde is a carefully constructed narrative designed to justify their actions, rally support, and maintain their dominance within the Nordreik. Through a combination of purification efforts, protection and security measures, ideological promotion, national unity campaigns, and the suppression of dissent, the Drakongarde positions themselves as the ultimate defenders and champions of the empire. Their agenda ensures that the ideals of purity, strength, and loyalty remain at the forefront of the Nordreik's identity, securing their place as a feared and revered force within the realm.

Demography and Population

The demography of the Drakongarde reflects the extreme measures and rigid standards imposed upon its members, ensuring that only the most physically and ideologically fit individuals are admitted into this elite organization. The selection process is intensely competitive and discriminatory, aiming to create an organization that embodies the ideals of purity, strength, and loyalty to the Nordreik. This section will provide an overview of the general demography of the Drakongarde, followed by detailed discussions on the men and women within the organization.

General Demography

The Drakongarde is composed of individuals handpicked from the broader military forces of the Nordreik, specifically the Baron's Own Militia and the The Order of the Dragon Shield. Membership is highly selective, with a focus on individuals of pure Thuringian descent who exemplify the physical and ideological ideals of the organization. This emphasis on purity and strength has resulted in a demography that is strikingly homogenous in terms of race, physical fitness, and ideological alignment.

Members are expected to adhere to rigid physical standards, including height, weight, and overall appearance. These standards are not merely guidelines but strict requirements, and any deviation can result in severe penalties. The ideology of the Drakongarde places immense value on physical perfection and purity, viewing these traits as essential for maintaining the strength and dominance of the Nordreik.


Men of the Drakongarde

The men of the Drakongarde are selected based on their exceptional physical capabilities, adherence to the ideological principles of the organization, and their unwavering loyalty to the Nordreik. The selection process for male members is grueling and exacting, designed to ensure that only the most elite soldiers are admitted.

Physical Standards

Male members must meet stringent physical criteria, including a minimum height requirement that ensures an imposing presence. An applicant must be at least 6 feet (183 cm) minimum, and they are expected to maintain a certain weight and muscle mass ratio, reflecting their strength and endurance. Regular physical assessments are conducted to ensure compliance with these standards, and any failure to meet them can result in immediate expulsion or severe disciplinary action.

  Training for male Drakongardians is intense and continuous, focusing on enhancing physical strength, agility, and combat skills. They undergo rigorous drills and exercises that push their bodies to the limits, ensuring that they remain in peak physical condition. This relentless training regimen is accompanied by strict dietary controls and health monitoring, further enforcing the organization's standards of physical perfection; they must never exceed 220lbs (100kg), and must maintain a muscular and athletic figure. 


Ideological Purity

Beyond physical fitness, male Drakongardians must also demonstrate unwavering commitment to the ideology of the Nordreik. This includes a deep-seated belief in the superiority of the Thuringian bloodline and the divine right of the Nordreik to dominate. Ideological education is a core component of their training, with regular indoctrination sessions that reinforce the principles of purity, strength, and loyalty.

Male members are also expected to display absolute loyalty to their superiors and the cause. Any deviation from the prescribed ideology or signs of dissent are met with harsh penalties, including public reprimand, demotion, or expulsion. The culture within the Drakongarde is one of total conformity, where personal beliefs and actions are strictly controlled to align with the organization's goals.

Women of the Drakongarde

The women of the Drakongarde are subject to even more stringent standards than their male counterparts, reflecting the organization's rigid views on gender roles and physical purity. Female members are few in number but are held to exceptionally high expectations, both in terms of physical appearance and ideological commitment.

Physical Standards

Women in the Drakongarde must meet exacting physical criteria, including height, weight, and body composition. They are expected to embody idealized physical features, maintaining a figure that is deemed both strong and aesthetically pleasing. Regular inspections and assessments are conducted to ensure compliance with these standards, and any failure can result in severe penalties, including expulsion from the organization.  Slight deviations from the standard height and weight may be tolerated if the woman embodies exceptional physical beauty, but these are considered the exception and not the norm.

The training regimen for female Drakongardians is as rigorous as that for men, focusing on physical strength, agility, and combat readiness. However, there is also a significant emphasis on maintaining physical beauty, with strict dietary and health regimes designed to ensure that female members meet the organization's standards of physical perfection. This dual focus on strength and beauty creates an environment of extreme pressure and competition among female members.

Ideological Purity and Reproductive Role

In addition to their physical training, female Drakongardians must also demonstrate absolute ideological purity. They undergo the same intense indoctrination as their male counterparts, learning to internalize the principles of Thuringian superiority and the divine right of the Nordreik. Female members are expected to be paragons of loyalty and dedication, upholding the organization's values in all aspects of their lives.

One unique aspect of the role of women in the Drakongarde is their expected contribution to the continuation of the Thuringian bloodline. Women are selected not only for their combat capabilities but also for their potential to bear "pure" children. This reproductive role is highly valued within the organization, and female Drakongardians are often subjected to invasive health checks and evaluations to ensure their suitability for this role.

The pressure to produce offspring that meet the ideological and physical standards of the Drakongarde adds an additional layer of complexity to the lives of female members. Those who fail to meet these reproductive expectations face severe consequences, including demotion or expulsion. This emphasis on reproductive purity further underscores the organization's commitment to maintaining its rigid standards of ideological and physical perfection.

Punishments for Failure

Both men and women in the Drakongarde face extreme penalties for failing to meet the organization's standards. These penalties are designed to maintain discipline and ensure compliance with the rigorous expectations placed upon members. Punishments for failure can range from public reprimand and demotion to expulsion and, in extreme cases, corporal punishment.

The culture of the Drakongarde is one of fear and control, where the threat of severe penalties ensures that members remain compliant and dedicated. The organization uses these punitive measures to reinforce its authority and maintain the high standards that define the Drakongarde.

The demography of the Drakongarde is a reflection of its rigid, nearly unattainable standards of physical and ideological purity. Both men and women within the organization are subjected to intense scrutiny and pressure to conform to these standards. The severe penalties for failing to meet these expectations ensure that the Drakongarde remains an elite and feared force within the Nordreik. Through a combination of rigorous training, strict ideological indoctrination, and harsh disciplinary measures, the Drakongarde maintains its position as the ultimate enforcers of the Nordreik's vision of purity and strength.

Foreign Relations

The Drakongarde's foreign relations are complex and multifaceted, reflecting their ideological beliefs and the strategic interests of the Nordreik. As an elite organization tasked with enforcing the empire's policies and protecting its purity, the Drakongarde plays a crucial role in shaping the Nordreik's interactions with other nations and races. Their reputation precedes them, often evoking fear, respect, or hatred, depending on the perspective of those they encounter.



The Drakongarde is deeply reviled by the elven communities, including high elves, wood elves, and drow. The organization's role in the systematic removal and persecution of elves under The Elven Exclusion Act has fostered intense animosity. Elves view the Drakongarde as merciless oppressors, responsible for countless atrocities and the displacement of their people. This hatred is mutual, as the Drakongarde considers elves to be impure and a threat to the purity of the Nordreik.



Half-elves are similarly despised by the Drakongarde, who see them as symbols of racial impurity. The mixed heritage of half-elves makes them targets for persecution, and they often face the same brutal treatment as full-blooded elves. This has led to widespread fear and resentment among half-elven communities.  Those half-elves of mixed elven- and Thuringian blood are especially hated, and are often brutalized far worse than their non-Thuringian counterparts.



The drow, with their darker heritage and subterranean culture, are particularly targeted by the Drakongarde. The organization views them as dangerous and corrupt, necessitating their removal from Nordreik society. The relationship between the Drakongarde and the drow is marked by mutual hostility and violence.


Other Non-Human Races

While the Drakongarde's primary focus is on elves and half-elves, other non-human races also face discrimination and persecution. Halflings, gnomes, and orcs are viewed with suspicion and are often subjected to harsh treatment. The Drakongarde's ideology promotes the supremacy of the Thuringian bloodline, leading to widespread intolerance of any race deemed impure or inferior.

Strength Through Purity

Founding Date
Military, Paramilitary/Militia
Alternative Names
To the people of the Nordreik, they are known as the Emperor's Elite. To the elves, they are often referred to as 'The Purgebringers', or, 'Lethar'quessir'
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Manufactured Items
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Notable Members
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