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Fire Steel

Fire Steel, Fire-Forged Steel, Meteorite Steel, or Firesteel, in much a similar fashion as Celestial Steel, is mundane steel which has absorbed the element of it's planar existence, but, in this case, it has been infused with the fire of either the burning hells, or, more commonly, the elemental plane of fire.

Dwarves, more likely Azers working in or around the City of Brass, long ago discovered the use of Fire Steel in their quest to find a metal more suitable for use in their forging tools. Once discovered, it didn't take long to adapt those same resistant properties to armor and other equipment.


Of many of the interplanar metals and materials, Fire-Forged Steel is actually quite easy to acquire, should one have the propensity to travel to the City of Brass or any other settlement within the elemental plane of fire. However, the shrewd merchants in the Sultan's City are keenly aware of it's value to travelers from outside their realm, and still charge exorbitant prices for it. If one wishes to haggle, however, prices can be quite reasonable.


Armor and shields made from Fire-Forged Steel confer a modicum of protection from heat and flame to their wearer, making surviving the extreme temperatures of the Elemental Plane of Fire (or the breath of a particularly angry red dragon) far more likely.
Item type
Raw Material
Base Price
Prices vary, but merchants within the City of Brass can be haggled to around 30 gold kronars for an ingot, if you have patience


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