Hammer of the Witches Vehicle in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Hammer of the Witches

Purpose built as one of the first super galleons of the new century, Vegamos Shipwrights outdid themselves when they laid the keel for the Hammer of the Witches in 201AV; her cargo capacity was nearly twice that of any other galleon ever built, her speed was comparable, and the cost of her armament alone could bankrupt entire communities. She was, without question, one of the most advanced and technologically superior vessels ever built, with the firepower to contend with even the mightiest of opponents.

A mutinous crew ultimately led to her being turned over to pirates operating near the Isle of Ratha, who in turn surrendered the vessel to Jourok and the Red Sash Pirates in 212AV.
Big Betty. Pride of the Fleet. Hulking Monster.
Owning Organization
68 feet 4 inches
252 feet 11 inches
197 feet to the top of the mast from the waterline, with a draft of 39 feet for a total of 236 feet, keel to mast.
2900 tons
Complement / Crew
Approximately 150 sailors, plus marines and gunners totaling 450.


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