Hoarfrost, Storm of Ruin Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Hoarfrost, Storm of Ruin

Hoarfrost is ferocious, quick to anger, and extremely violent.  Brutal, cunning, and barbaric, she stalks the entire landmass of Northguard, laying waste to anything and everything she comes across.  She is destructive for the sheer sake of destruction, and takes pleasure in the suffering of others; often, she will leave her enemies alive but wounded, just to watch them struggle and eventually succumb to the frozen conditions of her homeland.

So confident is she in her superiority over everything the she beholds that, unlike many other dragons, she keeps the entrance to her lair visible to anyone who might wish her harm; the easiest way to grow her hoard, without demanding plunder from the nearby villages, is to simply take it from the bodies of would-be dragon slayers.
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