Frostheim Mountain Range Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Frostheim Mountain Range

Located along the northern end of Northguard , the Frostheim Mountains overlook Winterpyre, as well as form the not-so-hidden lair of Hoarfrost, Storm of Ruin.

In general, the range is not as tall as it's southern cousin, the Himhineldar Shel Mountain Range, however, what it lacks in size, it easily makes up for in awe; more than half of the peaks catalogued are actively volcanic in some manner, and the range is home to the infamous trio of mountains, Halfdan, Torsten, and Elriik, collectively known as 'The Triplets', which are known to be inhabited by more species and sub-species of giant than any other mountains in Kermoria.

The Frostheim Range also makes room for the largest (known) volcano in Kermoria, the massive Glittertind Mountain, a shield volcano which, legends say, formed all of Northguard with it's eruptions during the youngest age of the world.


Taiga and boreal forests surround the mountain range, with the treeline extending nearly to the peaks of several of the smaller mountains.  Though it varies based on many factors, including the angle of the slope and even the facing (as north-facing and west-facing slopes receive more densely packed snow), the average treeline amongst the Frostheim is around 4,000 feet.

There are a significant number of glacial-meltwater rivers during the late spring and summer months, feeding into Bloodsnow Valley as well as into Nilfshard Forest; these runoff rivers have created many dry lakebed type depressions, including the most famous, what is now known as Troll's Fjord, an area completely overrun with trolls and their offspring.

The peaks themselves are jagged in many places, due to glaciation, erosion from their runoff rivers, the natural snowfall causing somewhat frequent avalanches, and volcanic flows. Many explorers, climbers, and scientists from the Royal Society for the Exploration of the Natural and Physical World have fallen to their deaths, their bodies unrecoverable, as ledges have given way or whole ridges have collapsed beneath their feet.

Natural Resources

The entire mountain range is extremely rich in a number of resources, for those with the ability to exploit them.  Though there are no established gold mines, many of the waterways are heavily seeded with gold and copper, leading to hundreds of claims along every conceivable river, fjord, creek and stream; many of these claims have changed hands since the initial mass-migration of prospectors in 216, with one claim reported to the magister of Winterpyre as having sold for more than 10,000 gold kronars.

Winterpyre supports many of these prospectors, hundreds of whom spend their entire life's fortune to arrive in Northguard with hopes of finding copper or, better, gold nuggets in the waterways and along the shores.  Some prospectors have claimed to've found small chunks of adamantine, though these claims are refuted severely by the Dwarves living within Karak Hungren, claiming that they reside on the only deposits on the continent.

Aside from the richness in gold and copper, the Frostheim Range and it's waterways feature abundant life in the form of beavers, muskrat, and many other fur-bearing animals who's hides, pelts and other parts are highly sought-after.  Members of the Monstrosity's Menagerie are found here year-round, even in the harsh winter conditions, along many of the waterways in temporary or make-shift shelters, often aided by magic to populate or re-populate an area with their animal of choice, much to the chagrin of the druidic peoples of nearby Skycrag.

Hunting trolls and giants is also extremely lucrative, as the blood of trolls is an valuable ingredient in many healing elixirs, and the toenails of giants are used in some of the most powerful strength-increasing potions known on Kermoria.  This hunting, however, has led to a significant increase in hostility from these creatures, as well as a noticeable decline in their populations.


The Frostheim Range is visited during the summer months by a number of mountain-climbing enthusiasts, who view the jagged peaks as more challenging than some of the more-shallow-sloped mountains of the Himhineldar Shel Mountain Range or the Gemfire Mountains.  The remoteness also adds to the thrill, as just reaching the mountain can be a challenge in and of itself.

Beyond that, large groups of tourists attempt to pan the fjords for run-off gold and gemstones from the gold-rich mountains or the lava flows; this is, however, extremely dangerous, and many die each year in their attempts.

The range itself is home to a number of troll, giant, ogre, and goliath communities, many of which do not take well to outsiders within what they view as their territory; hundreds of travelers each year are slain by the indigenous peoples of the mountains.
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