Lok'Vuul, Wanderer of the Ways Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Lok'Vuul, Wanderer of the Ways (Lock-VOOL)

A dragon of immense proportions, Lok'Vuul possesses previously unknown colorations, a breath weapon that burns with the radiance of the sun, and an unexplainable ability to twist her body away from attacks and spells targeted at her.  She is an enigma to draconic scholars, beast and monster hunters, and even those who're considered expert dragon slayers, such as Cangor Ironhammer and his brother Dulzom Ironhammer.

Little is know of Lok'Vuul, or her origins, except that there are no recorded sightings of any dragon matching her unique description, in any record book, prior to 75AV, where she was first reported by Elven patrols near Ilaya Taipa and the Great Divide.  Since that sighting, there have been a number of others, most of which have not ended violently; she has been provoked into attacking on several occasions, but no recorded incident where she was the aggressor in the contest.

It is unknown where her lair is, or even what sort of dragon she is, however, Morganae, the Undying Queen has placed a bounty of 1,000 gold kronars on either bit of that information, and quadruple that if she is slain.


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