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Ruins and lost Cities of the Pridelands

Dozens of cities and small villages have cropped up within the Pridelands, only to be swallowed again by war, disease, famine, or other calamity. Many of these are never found, but those that are usually contain relics long lost the world, including ancient magics from The Old World or even before; rumors are constantly flurrying around taverns and inns throughout Edeli about cities so old they contain traces of creation itself, before the time of even the ancient and great beasts.


The Sunstone Ruins are ancient Tabaxi ruins located deep within the Pridelands. The ruins are said to have been built during the height of the Tabaxi civilization, when the Pridelands were ruled by powerful Tabaxi kings and queens. Today, the ruins stand as a testament to a bygone era and are a popular destination for adventurers and historians alike. The Sunstone Ruins are named after a large, glowing sunstone that once rested at the heart of the ruins. The sunstone was said to have been a source of great power and was used by the Tabaxi rulers to exert their influence over the Pridelands. However, the stone was lost long ago, and the ruins have since fallen into disrepair.   Despite their dilapidated state, the Sunstone Ruins are still a sight to behold. The ruins are built of a yellow sandstone that glows in the light of the setting sun, giving them an otherworldly beauty. The architecture is a mix of Tabaxi and other influences, with wide courtyards, arches, and intricate carvings on the walls.   Within the ruins, adventurers can find hidden chambers, secret passageways, and treasures left behind by the Tabaxi rulers. However, the ruins are also said to be haunted by the spirits of those who perished there, and many who enter never return. Some say that the ghosts are angered by the desecration of their sacred home, while others claim that they guard a terrible secret that lies buried beneath the ruins.

Windwalker's Temple

The Windwalker's Temple is a ruin located in the Pridelands, said to have been built by a tribe of Leonin. The temple was dedicated to the worship of the wind, which the Leonin believed was a powerful force that carried the spirits of the dead to the afterlife. The temple was constructed atop a hill, and its architecture was characterized by tall columns and sweeping arches that were designed to resemble the movement of the wind. The structure was built using locally sourced stone and was adorned with intricate carvings depicting wind-related themes.   Inside the temple, there was a large central chamber with a circular altar at its center. It is believed that this was where the Leonin priests would perform their rituals, calling upon the wind to carry the spirits of the dead to the afterlife. The walls of the chamber were adorned with murals depicting scenes of wind-swept plains and soaring birds.

If the legends and (few) remaining scrolls are to believed, the altar was also the resting place of an exotic star-metal sword with a long haft and a pair of razor-sharp blades, inlaid with a sparkling energy source of heretofore unknown origin. Though the altar has been studied by the Imperial Science Corps and the Royal Society for the Exploration of the Natural and Physical World repeatedly, the blade, if it ever existed, has not been found.   Despite its significance to the Leonin people, the Windwalker's Temple was eventually abandoned and fell into ruin. Today, it is little more than a collection of crumbling stone columns and broken arches, slowly being reclaimed by the winds that it once celebrated.

City of the Fallen

The City of the Fallen was once a great metropolis that stood at the center of the Great Kingdom, not far from where Twinclaw resides today. However, the city was destroyed by a massive earthquake at the beginning of the Draconic Age, and its ruins have been lost to time.  Portions of it's structures and outlying villages have been discovered, but the city's location remains a mystery. Legend has it that the city was home to powerful magic and that its destruction unleashed powerful forces that still haunt the region to this day.

Temple of the Setting Sun

The Temple of the Setting Sun is a unique ruin located in the southern desert region of the Great Kingdom. It is known for its beautiful architecture and intricate stone carvings, which depict scenes of worship and sacrifice to the gods.

The temple was constructed by an ancient civilization that worshipped the sun, which they believed was the source of all life and power. The temple's central feature is a massive stone altar, surrounded by smaller altars and offering tables. The walls of the temple are adorned with intricate carvings and murals depicting the sun god and various other deities.
  The temple is oriented to face the west, towards the setting sun, and is thought to have been used for a variety of rituals and ceremonies related to the sun's movement across the sky. It is said that the temple's priests were skilled astronomers and mathematicians, and used their knowledge of the sun's movements to predict eclipses and other celestial events.
  In addition to the main temple complex, there are several smaller structures surrounding the area, including a network of underground tunnels and chambers. These tunnels are thought to have been used for burial and other secret ceremonies, as well as for storing valuable treasures and artifacts.
  The Temple of the Setting Sun is now a popular destination for adventurers and archaeologists alike, who come to explore its ancient ruins and learn about the people who built it. However, the temple is also said to be cursed, and many who enter its walls do not return. Some say that the spirits of the ancient priests still haunt the temple, guarding its secrets and punishing those who would disturb their rest.

The Great Pyramid of the Black Empire

Deep in the heart of the Kermoria desert, there stands a massive pyramid known as the Pyramid of the Black Empire. It is said to have been built by the long-extinct civilization known only as The Black Empire, whose existence and history have long since faded into myth and legend. The pyramid is oriented towards the constellation of Calothini, which was a significant feature of the Black Empire's cosmology.

The Pyramid of the Black Empire is a formidable structure, with a base measuring nearly 400 meters on each side and a height of over 100 meters. It is constructed of large limestone blocks that are expertly cut and fitted together without the use of mortar. The precision of the construction is astounding, with tolerances of less than a millimeter in places, and it is believed that the Black Empire used advanced mathematical and astronomical knowledge to ensure the pyramid was aligned perfectly with the stars.
  The pyramid is divided into a series of chambers that extend deep below the surface. The entrance to the pyramid is a narrow passage that leads to a descending staircase, which in turn leads to a large room known as the Grand Gallery. The Grand Gallery is a long, narrow room with a high ceiling, lined with finely polished limestone. The room is said to have been used for ritual purposes, but its true purpose remains a mystery.
  Beyond the Grand Gallery, there are several other chambers that are equally mysterious. Some contain elaborate carvings on the walls and ceilings that depict celestial bodies, animals, and geometric shapes. Others are empty, and their purpose is unknown. One chamber contains a large stone sarcophagus, but it is empty, and there is no indication of who or what might have been buried there.
  Exploring the Pyramid of the Black Empire is not for the faint of heart. The pyramid is a maze of twisting passages and dark chambers, some of which are filled with traps and deadly obstacles. Some of the traps are activated by pressure plates on the floor, while others are triggered by the slightest movement or touch. The walls and floors are slick with moisture, and in some places, there are deep pits or sheer drops that lead to certain death.
  Despite the dangers, many adventurers and archaeologists have attempted to explore the Pyramid of the Black Empire, drawn by the mystery and allure of its ancient past. Some have succeeded in uncovering new chambers and artifacts, but many have never returned, lost forever in the twisting maze of the pyramid's depths. The secrets of the Black Empire and its pyramid remain shrouded in mystery, waiting for the brave and foolish alike to attempt to uncover them.


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