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Shield of Civilization

Believing that the ruinous forces of Chaos, and their Daemonic [sic] allies can, and will, (or, perhaps, already have begun to) invade the otherwise peaceful realm of Kermoria at any time, the Shield of Civilization is a loosely formed order of survivalists, knights, priests, and common folk who have banded together throughout the provinces, providing training and sanctuary to those in need of respite. They believe that, if (and when) those ruinous powers destroy Kermoria, only those who've prepared will survive the rigors of the end-times in order to remake the world.

Many members of this group believe that the ruinous powers contained within the Drow city of Erenoc are to blame for Lyras' rise to power, though there is scant evidence to indicate The Witch King of Erenoc had any relation or alliance with The Usurper.

In the end, all we have are each other, and our wits. Let us pray these are enough.

Religious, Holy Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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