Erenoc (Air-E-Nock)
Known as the 'City of the Dead', Erenoc has long been a hub of necromantic activity and perverse, and often ruinous, chaotic powers. Organizations such as the Brotherhood of the Silver Sword and the Hallowed Order have repeatedly attempted to infiltrate or destroy it, only to be rebuffed. Other organizations, such as the Shield of Civilization believe that the forces contained within it's walls will one day spill into the overworld to sow the seeds of the world's destruction.
Originally a city of Drow, it is believed they are Erenoc's only remaining living residents.
Led by a man calling himself 'The Witch King', Erenoc remains solely under his dictatorial control. Supreme arcane authority among all his minions, both living, and dead. It is unknown if he himself is living, dead, or existing within the in-between as a lich.
Dark, chaotic magics pervade for miles around Erenoc, deterring all but the most determined of foes. Beyond that, waves of skeletal warriors, incorporeal souls, and many other forms of perverse magics assail every portion of you, both physically and spiritually.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of the Dead
Underground / Vault
Unknown; however, it is believed that the souls of anyone who is judged wanting by Urriem'Tier reside here, potentially numbering millions.
Characters in Location