The Duergar of the Underdark in Kermoria | World Anvil
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The Duergar of the Underdark

The Duergar Cities of the Underdark are a collection of underground cities inhabited by the Duergar, a subrace of dwarves who are known for their cunning and tenacity. These cities are often located deep within the earth, where they are protected from the harshness of the surface world. The Duergar are master craftsmen and smiths, known for their expertise in metallurgy and mining.
Vurn Nelgram is one of the most notorious Duergar cities, with a cult-like following that believes they can awaken the World Dragon, Teraptus from its slumber by digging to the center of the world. This city is known for its deep mines and extensive tunnels that delve deep into the earth, as the Duergar seek to reach the core of the world.
  Vurn Badir is another important Duergar city, known for its forges and metalworking. This city is situated near volcanic vents that power their forges, allowing the Duergar to produce some of the finest weapons and armor in the Underdark. The city is built around a large lava lake, which is used to fuel their forges and provide light for the city.
  Other notable Duergar cities include Vurn Kharn, a city that is known for its extensive network of tunnels and mines, and Vurn Kraus, a city that is home to many Duergar smiths and weapon makers. Vurn Kraus is located near the surface world and often trades with nearby human settlements.
  Duergar cities are often well-defended, with strong walls and traps to deter invaders. The Duergar are known for their love of traps and puzzles, and many of their cities are designed to confuse and disorient potential attackers.
  The Duergar have a complex social structure, with each city ruled by a powerful clan leader or king. These leaders often compete with each other for power and resources, and many Duergar cities have a long history of warfare and conflict.
  Despite their reputation as fierce warriors and master craftsmen, the Duergar are often seen as outcasts and loners by other races in the Underdark. They are mistrustful of outsiders and often keep to themselves, only venturing out of their cities to trade or wage war.

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