Vurn Todur Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Vurn Todur

Vurn Todur is the oldest and best defended of the Duergar cities of The Underdark,  having been founded during The Old World, prior to the rise of the Draconic Age.


Of the 75,000 or so populace, the majority are Duergar; however, the Deep Dwarves are known as slavers, and there are a number of species living within it's walls against their will, which comprise nearly a third of the population.  There is a significant number of Oreads, Stone Giants, and many Earth Genasi calling the city home.


Like a Dwarven city, the nobility is divided amongst many great houses and clans, as well as a few exceptionally powerful merchant-lords.  They answer, in turn, to the Thane, who is known amongst the Duergar of Vurn Todur as the 'Deep King' or the 'King Beneath the Sands'.


As an underground citadel, attack from above is not likely, and the city is warded from attacks belowground; thus, the only true way of breaching her massive walls is a (foolish) headlong assault down a straight, narrow passageway which is easily defended.  Large, seemingly bottomless pits adorn either side of the great bridge, funneling any attacking force into a single line, where they can be easily assaulted from great distance by a number of massive siege weapons atop the complex of the Enigma Gateway and it's surrounding, magically enchanted walls.

There have been a large number of battles, skirmishes, and sieges outside the walls of Vurn Todur over the centuries, but no attacking force has ever breached the outer walls.

Should such a force breach the walls, they would be met with a second, inner ring of walls (the original walls of the city), which, also, are guarded and adorned with numbers of powerful siege weapons.

Industry & Trade

Like their Dwarvish cousins, the Duergar are no stranger to metal smithing and gem cutting. Their proximity to the Gemfire Mountains means that there are a number of master gemsmiths calling the city home, as well as dozens of master blacksmiths, weaponsmiths, and armorers.

However, the city's main industry is dedicated to glasswork, as they utilize the abundance of sand, limestone, and soda-ash found within their underground environment and the Velaken Desert above.  This has led to great technological leaps and bounds within the glassblowing community, making Vurn Todur known the world over for it's quality.  In fact, Todurian Glass is highly prized by the wealthy elite in many circles for it's quality, as well as it's so-called exotic nature.

Besides glass, a large portion of the city's trade comes in a more flesh-bearing form, as they, like many Duergar, practice in the buying, selling, and trading of slaves.  Many of their slaves are other denizens of the Underdark, captured in battle or in raids, however, there is a known, permanent breach between the planes located within Vurn Todur, connecting Kermoria to the Elemental Plane of Fire, somewhere near the fabled City of Brass; this allows traders to pass through easily, peddling their unwilling wares in exchange for goods and services.


Vurn Todur is located within the upper sections of The Underdark, closer to the depth of The Underway than the Underdark itself.  Because of this, Vurn Todur sees more trade with the surface world than many of the other Duergar settlements of the world.  

To facilitate trade, several merchant's guilds exist, as well as an extended tunnel system and a place within the Velaken Desert where surface caravans can rest and unload their cargoes.


Vurn Todur is divided into several districts, each with their unique role within the city. 

The largest of these districts is known as the Shattered Rise, a sort of plateau area known for it's multitude of glassworks.  This district is kept under tight scrutiny by the Under King, who doesn't wish for the Duergar secrets of glassblowing to be learned by outsiders, and, thus, to lose the city's monopoly on some of the greatest glass work in Kermoria.

The other significant non-governmental district within the city is the Gates district, which is used, mostly, for trade.  Prominent features of this district include the Enigma Gateway, an absolutely massive structure which leads deeper into The Underway and eventually The Underdark, as well as the only known surface-route into the city, leading from the Velaken Desert above.

The city is ruled from the military quarter, where the Deep King and his assembled council reside within the Calciferous Keep, a massive structure hewn from solid rock and said to be utterly indestructible by mortal means.
Founding Date
Circa 5,000 years ago
Underground / Vault
Approximately 75,000
Location under


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