Timeless Seekers Organization in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Timeless Seekers

The Timeless Seekers are a renowned organization of treasure hunters and adventurers based in the bustling city of Knightstone Landing. Led by a skilled ship captain, the group's members hail from all corners of the world, united by a common passion for exploring the unknown and uncovering the secrets of the past. With a vast array of skills and talents, they have earned a reputation as some of the most fearless and resourceful seekers of treasure, artifacts, and lost knowledge in the land.

The Seekers operate internationally, traveling by sea and land to explore ancient ruins, lost cities, and forgotten tombs in search of valuable treasures and the knowledge of the past. Despite their diverse backgrounds and origins, the members of the organization share a deep respect for each other's skills and a sense of camaraderie that binds them together. Their ship, a formidable vessel built for adventure and exploration, is the heart of their operations, and the crew are skilled seafarers and fighters, ready to face any challenge that comes their way.
  The Seekers are a multinational group, with members from every race and province, and they have established strong relationships with many of the world's leading scholars and academics. They are known for their honesty and integrity, and they always seek to preserve the knowledge and artifacts they discover for the benefit of all. Despite the dangers and hardships they face on their expeditions, the Timeless Seekers continue to venture forth, driven by their unquenchable thirst for discovery and adventure.


The Timeless Seekers have a fairly loose organizational structure. They have a leader, who is the ship captain, but there are no formal ranks or titles beyond that. Instead, members of the group are encouraged to take on whatever roles they feel best suit their individual skills and interests. Some members may specialize in navigation or cartography, while others may be experts in deciphering ancient languages or in combat.

Despite this lack of formal structure, the Timeless Seekers do have a clear set of guidelines that all members are expected to follow. These guidelines emphasize the importance of safety and respect for the cultures and artifacts they encounter in their travels. Members are also expected to share any knowledge or treasures they discover with the group as a whole, rather than hoarding it for personal gain.
  Overall, the Timeless Seekers place a strong emphasis on camaraderie and mutual support. They see themselves as a family of adventurers, united by their love of exploration and discovery.


The Timeless Seekers have a culture of adventure and excitement. They are passionate about exploration, discovery, and the thrill of the hunt for treasures and lost knowledge. They are a diverse group, with members from all races and cultures, united by their common love of adventure and discovery. The Seekers value teamwork and collaboration, and often form close bonds with their fellow members. They believe in the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences, and frequently gather together to swap stories and compare notes.

While they are primarily focused on treasure hunting, the Seekers also have a strong sense of ethics and morality. They believe in preserving history and protecting cultural heritage, and are often called upon to assist with archaeological digs or to prevent looting of ancient ruins. They also make a point of returning any stolen or misappropriated artifacts to their rightful owners, even if it means relinquishing a valuable treasure.
The Seekers are known for their strong sense of camaraderie and their willingness to help others. They often collaborate with local communities and governments, sharing their expertise and resources to help solve problems and improve people's lives. They also have a reputation for being fair and honorable in their dealings, which has earned them the trust and respect of many.
Overall, the Timeless Seekers are a group of adventurers who are passionate about exploring the unknown, preserving history, and making a positive impact on the world.


The Timeless Seekers have a few key assets that make them an effective and well-equipped organization. First and foremost is their ship, the Celestial Navigator. This vessel is a marvel of engineering, designed specifically for the Seekers' needs by Delacroix Anchorage. It is sleek and fast, with a shallow draft that allows it to navigate the treacherous waters of shallow rivers and coastlines. The Celestial Navigator is also equipped with the latest navigation equipment, including astrolabes, sextants, and nautical charts, which help the Seekers navigate the most difficult of waters. The ship also has a small crew of experienced sailors who are well-versed in the challenges of sailing in different waters and climates.

In addition to the ship, the Timeless Seekers have a well-equipped base of operations in Knightstone Landing. This base includes a large warehouse for storing artifacts and treasure that the Seekers acquire on their expeditions, as well as a library and research center where they can study and analyze the items they discover. The Seekers also have access to a network of contacts and allies throughout the world, including scholars, merchants, and adventurers, who can help them with information and resources when needed. Finally, the Seekers themselves are a diverse and capable group of individuals, each with their own unique skills and expertise, which they bring to bear in their quest for treasure and knowledge.


The Seekers don't have a standing military force, but they do have a well-trained and well-equipped security team that is responsible for protecting the organization's assets and members during expeditions. The security team is made up of individuals with military training, such as former soldiers and mercenaries, as well as individuals with specialized skills in areas such as survival, tracking, and combat.

In addition to the security team, the Seekers also have access to a network of contacts and allies in various locations around the world, including other treasure-hunting organizations, local authorities, and private collectors. These allies can provide backup, resources, and information to the Seekers when needed.
Overall, the Seekers rely on their expertise and knowledge of the terrain, as well as their ability to adapt to changing situations and challenges, in order to successfully complete their expeditions and protect their interests.


The Timeless Seekers have a set of rules and guidelines that all members are expected to abide by. These rules are designed to ensure that all members conduct themselves in an ethical and responsible manner while pursuing their quests for treasure and knowledge.

One of the most important rules is that Seekers are expected to respect the cultural and historical significance of the artifacts and locations they discover. They are not allowed to desecrate or vandalize any sites they come across, and they are not allowed to remove any artifacts without permission from the relevant authorities. Seekers are encouraged to work with local authorities and experts to properly excavate and document any discoveries, which frequently puts them in contact with the Royal Society for the Exploration of the Natural and Physical World or the Imperial Science Corps.
  Another important rule is that Seekers must always operate within the bounds of the law. They are not allowed to steal, plunder, or engage in any other illegal activities in the pursuit of their goals. The Seekers strive to maintain a positive reputation with local authorities and communities, and any members found to be engaging in illegal activities are swiftly removed from the organization.
  Finally, the Seekers are committed to sharing their knowledge and discoveries with the wider world. Members are expected to document and share their findings with other scholars and experts, in order to advance the collective knowledge of the world. This commitment to sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration is a cornerstone of the Seekers' culture and ethos.

We seek the treasures of the past to enrich the future.

Founding Date
Guild, Privateers
Organization Vehicles
Notable Members
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