Zuriel Balthazar Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Zuriel Balthazar

Zuriel Balthazar is a prominent figure within the Timeless Seekers, one of the most respected and powerful organizations in the world of treasure hunting. As the captain of the Celestial Navigator, Balthazar is responsible for leading his crew through the treacherous waters of the world, using his considerable skills as a navigator and his knowledge of magic to keep them safe and on course. Born into a sorcerous bloodline, Balthazar has always had a natural talent for magic. He worked his way through the ranks of the Zoluren Expeditionary Force, starting as an apprentice ship's mage and rising to become one of the most skilled and respected sorcerers in the organization, before taking his talents elsewhere.
  Physically, Balthazar is a striking figure. He has a dark, nearly melanin-skinned complexion and piercing, glowing green eyes. His face is adorned with a series of intricate tattoos, inlaid with gold filigree that gives the impression of a twisted tribal mask. His long, grey beard and outlandish mustache, which extends several inches from either side of his face, add to his impressive appearance.
  At nearly sixty years old, Balthazar is one of the most experienced members of the Seekers. He has seen much in his lifetime, and his long, tightly curled dreadlocks are a testament to his dedication to the organization and the life he has chosen to lead.
As the captain of the Celestial Navigator, Balthazar commands respect from his crew and from those who know him. His knowledge of magic and his skill as a navigator have kept his ship safe through countless dangerous waters, and his presence is a calming influence during the most difficult moments. He is a true asset to the Timeless Seekers, and his legacy will no doubt be felt for generations to come.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zuriel has a powerful build, with thick arms and a solid torso. He's not particularly tall at around 6', but he has a commanding presence that makes him seem much larger. Despite his age, he's still in excellent physical condition, with a body hardened by years of training and combat. He has a barrel chest and broad shoulders, with a waist that's thicker than most. His face is weathered and lined, with a thick grey beard and mustache that extend several inches from either side of his face. He has glowing green eyes that are slightly slanted, giving him a sharp, almost feral look. Overall, he has the appearance of a man who has seen many battles and is not to be underestimated.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After leaving the Zoluren Navy, Zuriel Balthazar found himself at a crossroads. He had spent many years as a mage on the seas, honing his magical abilities and learning the ways of the waves. But he felt restless, yearning for something more. That's when he heard about the life of a privateer.

At first, he was hesitant. After all, he had spent his entire career serving under the banner of Zoluren. But the prospect of freedom and adventure was too enticing to ignore. And so, Balthazar left the Navy and set out on his own, taking up the life of a pirate and mercenary.
  For many years, he sailed the seas, plundering ships and fighting in battles across the world. He became infamous among sailors and nobles alike, his name whispered with both fear and admiration. But Balthazar grew tired of the endless fighting and the constant danger. He yearned for something more fulfilling.
That's when he heard about the Timeless Seekers. A group of adventurers, explorers, and scholars, the Seekers traveled the planes in search of knowledge and adventure. They were a group of individuals who prized knowledge above all else, and they welcomed Balthazar with open arms.
  For the past few decades, Balthazar has been a devoted member of the Seekers. He has sailed the seas, traversed the planes, and explored forgotten ruins in search of hidden knowledge. His magical abilities and his expertise on the sea have made him a valuable member of the group, and he has risen through the ranks to become one of its most respected and revered members.


Zuriel's education as a sorcerer began during his time as an apprentice ship's mage in the Navy of the Zoluren Expeditionary Force. While learning the ropes of shipboard life, he also began to study the arcane arts, particularly those related to controlling water and weather. He quickly proved to be a natural talent, and was soon promoted to full ship's mage.

After leaving the Navy, Zuriel spent some time as a privateer, using his magical talents to aid in raids and battles against enemy ships. It was during this time that he had the opportunity to learn from some of the more powerful and experienced sorcerers he encountered, picking up new techniques and honing his existing skills.
Eventually, Zuriel's path led him to the Timeless Seekers, where he found a new purpose and community. He continued to refine his abilities under the guidance of the other sorcerers in the group, expanding his knowledge to include defensive and protective magic as well.
Despite his many years of training and practice, Zuriel remains humble about his abilities and is always eager to learn more. He spends much of his free time studying ancient tomes of magic, hoping to unlock new secrets and techniques that will aid him and his crew on their travels.
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
164 AV 58 Years old
Glowing green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark, nearly black
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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