Unamag, Malice Reborn Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Unamag, Malice Reborn

Born of the same clutch as Jomag, Vortex Awoken, Unamag had the good sense to flee the nest as soon as able, realizing he was the runt of the brood.

Unlike many of the other members of the black dragonflight, Unamag, knowing he had physical limitations, tapped into his arcane prowess and is known, amongst the Wyrms, as a very skilled spellcaster.

Like many of his kin, Unamag was hunted voraciously after the fall of Teraptus, and though no one has ever claimed the kill nor found his lair, he has not been seen in nearly four hundred years. Prior to this, however, his last sighting was near the Lake of Dreams, flying south by southwest after a confrontation with Vito, Crimson Broodmother which nearly killed him.

On the 24th day of the Third Month, Two Hundred Twenty Two years after the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer, Unamag was slain by a company of adventurers, who included Umron Ironhammer.
Date of Death
24th day of the Third Month
Year of Death
222 AV
Circumstances of Death
Slain in battle
Place of Death
Near Tiger Clan


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