Vito, Crimson Broodmother Myth in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Vito, Crimson Broodmother (Vee-toe)

Thought to be the last female red dragon, her whereabouts have been unknown since 281BD. She was, until 221AV, presumed to be dead, and, with it, all hope for the red dragonflight to make a resurgence.

Historical Basis

Vito, the Crimson Broodmother, was last sighted terrorizing the island of Throne City, off the coast of Riverhaven, in 281BD.  With such a long absence, she was presumed to have died from the injuries she sustained whilst attempting to destroy the city in flame.  With her apparent death, and no other known surviving female red drakes, it was presumed that the line would die out and it would be the end of the red dragonflight.

Until the third month in the year 221AV, when explorers within the lost Dwarven city of Karak Angkor disturbed the unearthed throne room, and discovered that Vito had not been slain, and had merely been slumbering and recovering from her wounds.

And so, the Red Dragonflight's Broodmother lives.


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