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Åchi Atyåå (ˈɶʨy ˈætjɶ, Achi Atyaa)

Name Meaning: Bird Face

The Åchi Atyåå is a hoofed ungulate of the family Brachiornis.

Basic Information


Åchi Atyåå are strongly distinguished by their antlers, which are temporary and regularly regrown unlike the permanent horns of Choertaurus. Typical characteristics of Åchi Atyåå include long, powerful legs, a long tail, a beak, and long ears.

Genetics and Reproduction

Nearly all Brachiornis are uniparental species meaning the young, known in most species as fawns, are only cared for by the mother, most often called a doe. A doe generally has one or two fawns at a time triplets, while not unknown, are uncommon. Mating season typically begins in early August and lasts until December. With some species mating until late March.

Growth Rate & Stages

Female fawns look the same in their adult stage aside from the dappling on their backs that disappears with age. Male fawns will grow in their antlers at 3 years olds. Both will reach sexual maturity at the age of 4.

Ecology and Habitats

Åchi Atyåå's have been found around tropical climate in forests, around shoreline and few reports in swamps.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Åchi Atyåå's are browsers that eat leaves, Shrubs, and trees with them usually choosing the soft foilage and young leaves. Åchi Atyåå require large amount of minerals such as calcium and phosphate in order to support antler growth. There are have been few reports of Åchi Atyåå engaging in carnivorous activity, such as eating dead Ŭrburthi along the oceanshore or depredating Roc eggs.

Biological Cycle

Stags start growing antlers and bright color feathers in spring and are shed each year, usually at the end of winter. During winter the stags will resemble does in colors but will lack feathers on their forearms.


Male Åchi Atyåå usually stay in single-sex groups for most of the year. During the mating season, called the rut, mature stags compete for the attentions of does and will then try to defend the does they attract. Rival stags challenge opponents by belling, walking in parallel, and flaring their forearm feather. This allows combatants to assess each other's antlers, body size and fighting prowess.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Ø̆ḷdå use Åchi Atyåå as hunting practice for they're young to assess their strength and what they could worked on.
Scientific Name
Brachiornis Avatops
Average Height
3 feet in males and 2 feet 7 inches in females at the shoulders
Average Weight
adult males (Itchi åchi) weigh 115–145 pounds, while females (Oobri åchi) average 80–110 pounds.
Average Length
6 feet in both sexes
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Males sport bright colors usually in shades of Blues or Purple, with their feathers being yellow, orange or white. females usually come in dull colors like browns and whites with light blue or light purple tips on their feathers. both sexes have light blue hooves and beaks.

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