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Centaur (Sen-Tor)

Centaurs are strong, proud people with the upper body of an elf and the lower body of a horse. They are incredibly stubborn, proud and confident, and will not hesitate to attack anything that wanders into their lands without invitation. They have a reputation for being blood-thirsty and violent, however, this isn't true, the reason for their territorial behaviour is more out of precaution than anything else. The humanid species used to fight with them frequently, seeing them as lesser creatures due to their animal lower halves and driving them out of their ancestral homes. Now in modern times, with the fall of the humanid empires, they were able to reclaim their homeland, and will now defend it fearlessly from the rest of the two-legged creatures. They do, however, make an exception for the Goloma, with whom they frequently ally and share land with.  

You Might:

  • Consider your closest friends as members of your herd that need your protection
  • Be keen to correct any false information about you and your people.
  • Avoid other centaurs who might see the fact you travel with "two legs" as a sign of dishonour or even exile
  • Be extremely against the idea of letting anyone ride on your back unless you have an extremely strong bond with them.

Others Might:

  • Beleive you to be aggressive or violent
  • Underestimate your intelligence
  • Assume you have some kind of connection to either the fae or Humanid races.
  • Ask to ride on your back like a common horse or pony

Basic Information


Centaurs have the upper body of an elf, and the lower body of a horse or pony. They have quite a lot of variation in colour, size and overall proportion depending on where specifically they originate from.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Centaurs are omnivores and are capable of eating anything you would expect elves and humans would be able to eat.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Centaurs have first names which utilise multiple syllables and favour names that end in "eos", "us", "is" and "ea". Their surnames usually refer to what tribe or settlement they come from rather than their specific family.  

Example Names:

Appanos, Callochis, Euphea, Iedeis, Kireos, Titemus, Zotakos

Centaur Heritages

Hauler Centaur

Your family have always been travellers who never packed particularly light. Increase your max bulk by 2 (this is on top of the bulk increase from being a large creature)  

Pony Centaur

You are smaller than most Centaurs. You have the lower body of a pony and stand at only 155cm tall and are a size medium instead of a large.  

Unicorn Centaur

  • Based on "Fey-touched Gnome", Core Rulebook pg. 43
Unicorns are magical horned horses from the first world. Instead of a horse, you have a unicorn's lower body, and two small horns on your forehead. You also gain the fey trait in addition to the Centaur and humanoid traits. Choose one cantrip from the primal spell list. You can cast this spell as a primal innate spell at will. A cantrip is heightened to a spell level equal to half your level rounded up. You can change this cantrip to a different one from the same list once per day by meditating to realign yourself with the First World; this is a 10-minute activity that has the concentrate trait.  

Darkwatch Centaur

Your family has always been ones to travel at night. You gain low-light vision  

Chaos-Cursed Centaur

During the first fae invasion, your tribe made up the largest percentage of the front-line fighters, exposing them to the chaotic magic of the fae. This magic caused mutations to occur, the most common of which gave the afflicted multiple extra (mostly vestigial) eyes either on their heads or bodies. The mutation is genetic and has been passed down through your family. But rather than causing fear in your fellow centaur, this marks you as a descendant of valiant warriors to be respected. It is also a comfort to the Goloma who share your homeland, marking you as a trusted ally to them. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to diplomacy checks against Centaurs and Goloma, and +2 Circumstance bonus to intimidation checks against other creatures.

Centaur Ancestry Feats

1st Level

Heavy Hooves - Feat 1

  • Based On "Form of the Fiend" Advanced Player's Guide, Pg. 40
You've been trained to fight not only with weapons but with your hooves as well. You are trained in unarmed attacks and gain an unarmed hoof attack that does 1d6 Bludgeoning damage. This attack is in the brawling group and has the Finesse and unarmed trait.
Speak to Horses - Feat 1

  • Based on "Ratspeak" from The Advanced Player's Guide, pg. 22
The whinnies and neighing of horses actually make sense, you've learned what they mean and you are able to understand them, at least to some degree. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with Horses and other equine animals such as mules and zebras. The GM determines what counts as Equine.
Centaur Lore - Feat 1

  • Based on "Tengu Lore" from The Advanced Player's Guide, pg. 26
The Centaurs have a long history as guardians of nature, who need very little to survive, despite their size. You are trained in Survival and Nature. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Centaur Lore.
Rear Up - Feat 1


  • Based on "Frilled Lizardfolk" from Lost Omens Character Guide, pg. 57
You rear up onto your back legs in a display of intimidating size and strength, while making a low, guttural sound to demoralise your foe. When you do, Demoralize gains the visual trait, and you don’t take a penalty when you attempt to Demoralize a creature that doesn’t understand your language. You also gain the Threatening Approach action.   Threatening Approach You Stride to be adjacent to a foe and Demoralize that foe. If you succeed, the foe is frightened 2 instead of frightened 1.
Friend to Fae - Feat 1

Requirements Unicorn Centuar Heritage
  • Based on "Fey Fellowship" from The Core Rulebook, pg. 44
Your enhanced Fae connection affords you a warmer reception from creatures of the First World as well as tools to foil their tricks. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to both Perception checks and saving throws against Fae.   In addition, whenever you meet a Fae creature in a social situation, you can immediately attempt a Diplomacy check to Make an Impression on that creature rather than needing to converse for 1 minute. You take a –5 penalty to the check. If you fail, you can engage in 1 minute of conversation and attempt a new check at the end of that time rather than accepting the failure or critical failure result.  
If you have the Glad-Hand skill feat, you don’t take the penalty on your immediate Diplomacy check if the target is a Fae.

5th Level

Tough Hide - Feat 5

  • Based on "Scar-Thick Skin" from Lost Omen's Ancestry Guide, pg. 51
Your hide is naturally tough, and the scars of your battles make it even tougher. Your DC on flat checks to end persistent bleed damage is reduced from 15 to 10, or from 10 to 5 after receiving especially appropriate assistance.
Always Watching - Feat 5

  • Based on "Ambush Awareness" from Lost Omens The Mwangi Expanse, pg. 117
You are always on the lookout, and always ready for the unexpected. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks attempted as initiative rolls. Additionally, if your initiative roll result is tied with that of an opponent, you go first, regardless of whether you rolled Perception or not.
Lethal Kick - Feat 5

  • Based on "Bloody Blows" from Advanced Player's Guide, pg. 18
You turn around and kick with both of your rear hooves. This version of your unarmed hoof attack does not have the "non-lethal" trait. If you critically hit, the kick will do an additional 1d4 persistent bleed damage.

9th Level

Unicorn's Conduit - Feat 9

Requirements Unicorn Centaur Heritage
  • Based on "Vivacious Conduit" from The Core Rulebook, pg. 45
Your Connection to the First World has grown, and it's positive energy flows through you, using your horns as conduits, causing them to grow longer. If you rest for 10 minutes, you gain hit points equal to your Constitution Modifier x Half your level. This is cumulative with any healing you receive from treat wounds
Stand Strong - Feat 9

  • Based on "Mountain Stoutness" from The Core Rulebook, pg. 37
Your hardiness lets you withstand more punishment than others before going down. Increase your max HP by your level. You also decrease the DC of recovery checks when you have the dying condition by 1   If you have the Toughness feat, the hit points gained from it and this are cumulative, and you decrease the DC of recovery checks by 4.

13th Level

Equine Endurance - Feat 13

  • Based on "Stubborn Persistence" from The Advanced Player's Guide, pg. 47
There is a reason so many cultures have used horses as transport for generations, they are strong and powerful, able to push through even the longest of journies and this applies to centaurs as well. When you would become fatigued, attempt a DC 17 flat check. On a success, you aren’t fatigued. If the fatigued condition has an underlying cause that you don’t address, such as lack of rest, you must attempt the check again at an interval determined by the GM until you fail the flat check or address the underlying cause.
In-tune - Feat 13

Requirements An Ally who is at least one size smaller than you (Medium or smaller for most Centaurs, Small or Tiny for Pony Centaurs)
Description Usually, if a PC tried to ride you during combat, you would both only get 2 actions on your turn (See full rules about riding PCs on pg. 66 of Lost Omens Ancestry Guide), but you and your ally are able to communicate efficiently and work together cohesively as one. You both retain your 3 actions per turn. If your ally has the ride feat (Core Rulebook), they can use one of their actions to direct you (if you agree).
Hit Dice
Ability Boosts
Strength, Wisdom, Free
Ability Flaw
  • Common
  • Sylvan
  • Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier if it’s positive. Choose from either Goloma or from the list of common Languages and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region)
Centaur, Humanoid
Swift Hooves
Your lower half is a strong and powerful horse, and with that comes the speed of a horse. You have a movement speed of 35ft
Mature at
18 years
60 years
Average Height
Average Length

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