
During the Pre-Elven Era, Durnholme was a major halfling settlement in the Disputed Lands.


Pre-Elven Era

Durnholme was once a vibrant trading hub. Elven goods flowed north while gnomes and humans came south to hawk their wares. One of the few fortified halfling towns, it functioned as something similar to a capital for halflings, with important leaders meeting there whenever something needed to be discussed.  

Treaty of Durnholme

In 290, important halfling leaders met in Durnholme with representatives of Morenthyr. Faced with war against the Elves, Lord Starkfoot and Lady Lanniswood signed an agreement to join Morenthyr. Halflings were to be second-class citizens, unable to vote, but still free. Some agricultural taxes were agreed upon. The rivers passing through halfling territories were to be considered property of the Empire. In exchange, the other areas were given autonomy, under Lord Starkfoot's supervision.  

Elven Era

Shortly after the signing of the treaty, Lady Lanniswood was killed in a suspicious fire. Her tent inside Durnholme, where negotiations had just finished, was set ablaze. Her supporters accused soldiers of Lord Starkfoot of murder and forgery, leading to a lasting feud. Continual fighting among the halflings escalated, and in 361 Lanniswood soldiers looted Durnholme, leaving it in ruin. Since this time, it has sat mostly abandoned, occasionally being used by brigands or rebels to hide in.   In the late 1330s the Silent Stalkers began to use the ruins of Durnholme as a base of operations. It soon became their headquarters. In 1349, during the beginnings of the Great Revolt, the Friends of Durnholme launched a surprise attack, coordinating with an Elven army led by Cirril Ancalan. However, most of the Stalkers and the escaped slaves who took refuge at Durnholme escaped unharmed.


Large town


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