Cirril Ancalan

Cirril Ancalan (a.k.a. the Redeemed)

Cirril Ancalan was an Elven leader who served as a Triumvir, and later, Emperor of Morenthyr during the Great Revolt. Extremely conservative, Ancalan opposed increased non-elven participation in Morenthyr, believing it was corrupting the Empire of old. Cirril made a pact with Iorath to defend slavery and Morenthyr, but eventually sided with the rebellion at the Battle of Thal'Narius where Cirril assisted in killing Iorath. Cirril the Redeemed is now considered one of The Devoted of the Lysandrian Church.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Ancalan was born during the ending years of Pax Elvenica, a time in which the empire thrived, growing and expanding across the continent without opposition. Born into a highly respected family, he was educated in the law and customs of the Thyrian Empire, groomed from his birth to become a part of the Conclave. Ancalan had just began to make a name for himself in legal circles when the Orcish Migration started. Inspired by patriotism, Ancalan enlisted as an officer in the Thyrian army, quickly rising in rank. Ancalan successfully held back wave after wave of Orcs at the Siege of Allanar from 1250-53.  

Thyrian Government

The Conclave

I saw the zenith of our great Empire, when elves ruled supreme. Dissent among the lesser races was non-existent. The orcs pushed our Empire to its limit, but its death knell will be when humans stand as equals to us.
Cirril Ancalan, 1328
  As the Orcish attacks lessened in the early 1300s, Ancalan was appointed to the Conclave in 1307 and quickly rose to prominence. His polemics against increasing the involvement and representation of other races within government became legendary. Following the death of a previous Triumvir, Ancalan ran to replace her. A faction of both Appointees and Elected Conclave members vigorously opposed him, believing he would damage race-relations within the Empire and destabilize it further; however, Ancalan won support from anti-human sentiments among Elected members.  


Ancalan was appointed to the Triumvirate in 1331, largely as a response to the liberal policies of Toseus Iliren. As Triumvir, Ancalan thwarted further integration of non-elven races into the Empire. Laws which were introduced to expand citizenship to halflings, humans, and half-elves have failed, largely due to his influence.   In 1350, during the Great Revolt, Cirril Ancalan called for extreme force to be used and worked tirelessly to crush it. His army marched on Allanar, crushing the fledgling rebellion; however, many slaves escaped north on captured ships. While Ancalan wished to march north and recapture the escaped rebels, political efforts in the Conclave and by fellow Triumvir Toseus Iliren prevented it. The Conclave in deadlock, with elves opposed to slavery blocking any attempt at fighting the Great Revolt. This paralyzed the Thyrian response, allowing the rebellion to grow around Calydon. This paralysis led to the August Proclamation.  


In the eighth month of 1352, Cirril Ancalan declared himself Emperor after both he and Arteria Donalis voted to abolish the Conclave. In what is known as the Divine Proclamation, Ancalan declared himself Emperor Cirril, Defender of the Elven People. Toseus Iliren and Oluien Trismaris were placed under house arrest and Morenthyr immediately moved to crush the slave rebellion. With a surprise attack on the Ellipidae, Emperor Cirril attempted to prevent them from joining the rebellion. While a few Ellipidaean cities were hit heavily, many successfully fought back imperial forces, joining with the Great Revolt to fight Morenthyr.   His emperor-ship ended abruptly following the Battle of Thal'Narius, where it was revealed that Iorath had been controlling him. Lomhal the Mender broke Iorath's control over Cirril, who then assisted the Devoted in destroying Iorath. Following the God of Slavery's death, Cirril disappeared, abdicating from Morenthyr's throne.  

Cirril the Redeemed

Following the death of Iorath, Cirril disappeared. Many thought he was dead, but across the continent, word began to spread of an old elf, dressed as a beggar. He would appear in locations where help was needed most, healing the sick, beating back evil, or freeing those wrongly imprisoned. He often appears to those wavering between right and wrong, urging them to follow the righteous path. In time, the Lysandrian Church recognized Cirril Ancalan as one of the Devoted, dubbed Cirril the Redeemed. Repentant criminals and sinners look to follow the Redeemed’s path, rejecting their past and looking forward to the future.  


Lysandrian Church

Among adherents to the Lysandrian Church, Cirril the Redeemed is evidence of Lysander's ability to forgive and give purpose to all people, even those who have done great evil. While reviled by humans in his lifetime, Cirril the Redeemed is widely looked up upon as an individual who willingly gave up his title following Morenthyr's defeat rather than fighting a long, drawn out war.  


In Morenthyr, many elves blame Ancalan for the collapse of their empire. His August Proclamation remains widely criticized for the termination of the Triumvir system which many elves valued. Among elves who accept the fact that Iorath had been controlling Morenthyr, Cirril is painted in a more sympathetic light, portayed as a victim of the god of slavery.

A middle-aged elf with short, straight, black hair and brown eyes. He is dressed in heavy silks. His skin is red from the heat. He is easily out of breath.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Triumvir (formerly)
Emperor of Morenthyr (formerly)
Year of Birth
1176 EE 279 Years old
Aligned Organization
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