
Morenthyr, the great Elven Empire, was once the dominant political entity in the known world. However, the Orcish Migration followed by the Great Revolt destabilized the nation, leading to its partial collapse. Retreating to the jungles in the south, the Elven Empire maintains a tenuous hold on parts of the Disputed Lands. It is currently defending against the Holy Orcish Crusade, a grueling war where tens of thousands have died.


The Conclave is the law-making body of the Empire consisting of 300 members, half of whom represent the Ordo Altum, while the other half represent elected officials from the Ordo Laurum. The oldest political force on the continent, the Conclave has overseen the expansion of Morenthyr while maintaining political stability among elves from all classes. For a brief period, between 1351 and 1364, it was defunct, but has since been restored. Presently, 20 seats are given to halflings.   Executive power in Morenthyr is traditionally invested in the Triumvirates, three individuals selected from among the Conclave to guide the Empire. The membership of the triumvirate usually contains two inherited seats and one elected seat. However, since 1351 this system has been suspended. Following the Great Revolt, the Emperor-Regent, Oluien Trismaris, declared he would reign until power can be restored to the Triumvirate. In practice, the Emperor-Regent has ruled for over 80 years and can veto any legislation from the Conclave and has direct control of executive decisions.


Pre-Elven Era

The Elven Empire was born out of the jungles of Theyennor. At Thal'Narius, representatives of elven settlements met to discuss creating a lasting alliance. After much negotiation, the Pact of Unification was signed. This formed the Conclave, a political force that would rule Khalon for a millennium. With representatives from across the elven world, the Empire first tasked itself with making the jungle safer, creating protected trading routes while rooting out bandits and mercenaries.   As the population grew, settlers began to travel out of traditional elven territory, colonizing the southern parts of the Disputed Lands. Beginning around 200 EE, elven traders visited halfling villages, building trade relations and strengthening ties between the two peoples. This led to the annexation of the Disputed Lands in 290 when the halfling nobility signed the Treaty of Durnholme.  

Elven Era

The Conquest

In the 400s, Morenthyr developed plans to conquer the gnomish and human nations in the north. In 431, Morenthyr demanded the submission of the gnomes, triggering the start of a long, protracted war. The gnomes held bitterly to the Tralin river, their homeland for millennia, but they too were pushed back, eventually abandoning their territory entirely in 448. Humanity fought on, lasting for nearly a century. Eventually, Morenthyr was able to pacify humanity, with the last human stronghold of Treavley falling in 537. For almost a millennium, Elves would reign supreme over the continent.   The Elven Conquest was led by a legendary figure known as the Conqueror. He was a devoted follower of Iorath, introducing his worship to the elven people. By the end of the conquest, Iorath had been elevated to equal of the other gods in the Endaril. Human sacrifice to Iorath was common in the early years, although it was eventually banned in 728.  

Pax Elevenica

Thus began a period of history, Pax Elvenica, in which the Elven Empire was at its zenith. From 485 to 1200 EE, the Empire flourished, using cheap manpower to build large temples to the Endaril while developing large and prosperous cities. Trade with the dwarves introduced steel, strengthening the elven military and allowing for technological innovation.  

Orcish Migration

The decline of Morenthyr began in earnest with the Orcish Migration in 1237. Coming from the west, orcish hordes poured into the Empire, looting and pillaging. For the next sixty years, attacks from orcs coming from the Perpetual Desert continued unabated, weakening the Empire significantly. By the early 1300s, Morenthyr was able to claim a Pyrrhic victory over the orcs. Hundreds of thousands had died during the duration of the conflict.  

Great Revolt

With the weakened state of Morenthyr, Fenci the Unyielding began to build support among the Cavalcade to reclaim the gnomish homeland and liberate Thyrian slaves. In 1348, the Great Revolt began, culminating in an overwhelming defeat for Morenthyr. Human-held lands in the North broke away, forming Trelios, Ilyria, and Fayara. All that remained of Morenthyr's empire was a portion of the Disputed Lands. During the war, it was revealed that Iorath, the God of Slavery, had been mind-controlling much of the Thyrian elite since the foundation of the Empire, causing widespread strife.   In the last days of the Great Revolt, Triumvir Cirril Ancalan declared himself Emperor, disbanding the Conclave and placing those who opposed him under arrest. He established worship of Iorath as the state religion and reintroduced the sacrifice of slaves. Like many elven leaders before him, Cirril was under the influence of Iorath. Following the Battle of Thal'Narius, Cirril abdicated the throne and disappeared.  

Post-Elven Era

The Devoted declared Oluien Trismaris to be Emperor-Regent of Morenthyr, ruling until the Conclave and the Triumvirate could be reestablished without endangering the newly-formed independent nations in the north. In 1364, Emperor-Regent Oluien reinstated the Conclave, however the Triumvirate has yet to be reestablished, as many prominent members of the Conclave wish to restore Morenthyr to its former glory, much to the chagrin of the Emperor-Regent.   Current society in Morenthyr is split between those who recognize Iorath's past influence on their country and those who deny it. The reformists, including the Emperor-Regent, believe Morenthyr's future is through diplomacy and trade with the outside world whereas the traditionalists want to return to Morenthyr's more militaristic and isolationist past. Support for reform is strongest in Thal'Narius, whose residents saw firsthand Iorath's defeat while the traditionalists are stronger in the western provinces.

Demography and Population

Around half the Thyrian population lives in the lands stretching from Belamore to Eseth Anore. This area is densely populated, with Thal'Narius remaining the most populous city in Khalon. While many non-elves migrated out of Morenthyr following the Great Revolt, Thal’Narius remains a diverse cosmopolitan city.   Another third of the population lives in the forests around Thal’Melan. Unlike Thal’Narius, this region is almost exclusively inhabited by elves. Traditionalist support is strong in this region. Pre-revolt prejudices against non-elves are common, with non-elven travelers finding the region to be very unpleasant.   The remainder of the population is scattered along the outer rim of Morenthyr. Some areas, such as Thal’Vigilus, are predominantly elven while others, including the southwestern coast and Oslyon, are fairly diverse.


The Seldarine, the traditional elven pantheon, is the official religion of Morenthyr. Its priests participate in every part of life such as blessing births, weddings, and providing foretelling for those who desire it. Their power as waned in recent years, with the Emperor-Regent curtailing their influence in government. The vast majority of Thyrian elves worship the Seldarine, while many among the non-elven population worship Lysander or another pantheon.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Elven Empire, Thyrian Empire
Economic System
Palace economy
Thyrian Denari
Legislative Body
The Conclave
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

  • Pact of Unification
    Pact of Unification

    The Pact of Unification was signed by various elven settlements forming Morenthyr.

    Additional timelines
  • 422 EE

    537 EE

    Elven Conquest
    Military action

    The Elven Conquest was a series of wars leading to Thyrian control of most of Khalon.

    Additional timelines
  • 1237 EE

    1311 EE

    Orcish Migration
    Disaster / Destruction

    Tens of thousands of orcs crossed into Morenthyr from the Perpetual Desert, precipitating a brutal war.

    More reading
    Orcish Migration
    Additional timelines
  • 1348 EE

    1352 EE

    Great Revolt
    Military action

    Slaves across Morenthyr revolt, leading to the breakup of Morenthyr.

    More reading
    Great Revolt
    Additional timelines
  • 1382 EE

    3 /8
    1385 EE

    7 /6

    First Hin Uprising

    A faction of halflings in the Disputed Lands launched a partially successful revolt against Morenthyr.

    Disputed Lands
    Additional timelines
  • 1439 EE

    1444 EE

    Holy Orcish Invasion
    Military: War

    The Holy Orcish Horde ravaged western Morenthyr for five years before finally being defeated by a combined Khalonian coalition.

    Additional timelines


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