
The Wise Woman (a.k.a. The Daughter)

Edite, a powerful figure in the pantheon of the Old Ones, is revered for her immense intellect and knowledge. As the second child of Eltertiel, she was often depicted as a peaceful woman with a calm demeanor, holding an open scroll in one hand and a feathered quill in the other. Her eyes, often portrayed as glowing with an ethereal light, are said to see all truths of the world.  



One spring, following an exceptionally fruitful harvest, the people held a grand festival in Eltertiel's honor. Songs were sung, tales were told, and offerings were made with hope in their hearts. As the sun set, the people danced around a great bonfire, their joyous laughter echoing under the starlit sky.   Eltertiel watched from the Dreipalast, deeply moved by their devotion and the sense of unity and love that permeated the celebration. Her heart swelled with an immense love for her people, and she decided to give them a gift - a child of her own, who would walk among them, guiding them in their path.   In the heart of the bonfire, as the festival reached its climax, a brilliant light began to glow. The flames danced and twisted, and there, born from the fire's heart, emerged a radiant figure. The dancing stopped, and a hushed silence fell over the crowd as they witnessed the figure stepping out of the flames, unscathed and glowing with a divine light.   This was Edite, born of Eltertiel's love and the tribe's unity, the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge. She was as radiant as her mother, yet different. Where Eltertiel was an entity of nurturing and sustenance, Edite was a beacon of wisdom and enlightenment.   She stepped among the people, who fell to their knees in reverence. With a gentle smile, Edite touched the ground, and where her fingers grazed the earth, symbols unknown to the tribes appeared. It was the birth of written language, a gift from Edite to her people.  


Edite's influence on Khalonian culture cannot be overstated. Despite the loss of many of her temples and sacred texts during the Elven Conquest, her impact on the intellectual development of humanity remains significant. Many contemporary scholars and researchers in Trelios continue to revere Edite, dedicating their lives to the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in her name.  

Role in the Pantheon

In the pantheon of the Old Ones, Edite played a significant role as a peacemaker, often arbitrating disagreements between her siblings. As the Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge, she was the guiding light for scholars, philosophers, and all those who sought to understand the world around them. As the introducer of written language to humans and halflings, she is also regarded as the patroness of scribes and scholars.   Edite's temples were grand structures, both places of worship and reservoirs of knowledge. The interiors were often filled with rows of scrolls and books, collected over generations. Among the most prominent was the Library of Pella, an impressive repository that housed thousands of texts. Unfortunately, during the Elven Conquest, the Library of Pella was razed, resulting in the loss of countless irreplaceable works.   Her priests and priestesses, also known as the Sages of Edite, were esteemed intellectuals and devoted keepers of wisdom. Their responsibilities ranged from preserving ancient texts, to teaching literacy and imparting knowledge to those who sought it. The priesthood was also responsible for the transcription of new texts, painstakingly copying each word by hand to ensure the longevity of the knowledge they held.  

Survival of the Sages

See: The Last Sage of Edite
  Following the destruction of the Library of Pella, a handful of surviving sages who had memorized much of the library’s key works escaped into the wilderness. Living on the edge of society, these sages passed down the works orally from master to apprentice until the Great Revolt. These sages have since reemerged, settling in Pella’s Wish in 1430. They now labor to rebuild the great library with support from Elterians across Khalon.

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