Old Ones

The Old Ones is the colloquial name for the deities worshiped by humans prior to the Elven Conquest. The exact makeup and relationship between the Old Ones is not well known, with further research being conducted by archaeologists and clerics across Khalon.

Mythology & Lore


Pre-conquest humans believed humanity originated on Wiveria, a frigid continent to the north of Khalon. Called the progenitors, these humans contended with difficult weather, a short growing season, and dangerous wildlife, eking out a meager existence. During a particularly harsh winter, in what many thought would be the end, a mysterious figure appeared out of a blizzard. She raised her hands high into the sky and the blizzard had ceased. As the sun rose the following morning, food had miraculously appeared. This woman was celebrated, with offerings being left for her the following spring and summer. In time, she became worshiped as Eltertiel the Mother.   The ancestors lived off the land as hunter-gatherers. With Eltertiel watching over them, these ancient humans flourished. In time, Eltertiel had three children: Geset, Edite, and Brandobar, all of whom became revered as she was. Each developed their own following, with elders practicing rituals to honor each of the gods.  

The Everlasting War

This golden age of the ancestors ended in a time before written history when giants descended from the peaks of their mountains. Hunted down like animals, the progenitors' entire way of life was shattered. In time, they found a way to fight back, but for every giant brought down, twenty to thirty humans died. During this Everlasting War, the gods had various children which assisted humanity in its fight for survival. Thumjir and Rast were born during this war, each assisting humanity in its fight with the giants.   The Everlasting War was nearly lost for the ancestors when Edite gave birth to Viesa. Viesa was gifted with prophesy, and saw visions guiding humanity to Khalon. Building canoes and dugouts, the remnants of humanity fled their homeland to Khalon, settling throughout the northern and central parts of the continent. In time, Siedel, Steinheim, and Betre joined the Old Ones pantheon.

Cosmological Views

The Dreipalast

The gods of the Old Ones are believed to live in another plane known as the Dreipalast. Here, the Old Ones feast together in a large palace, celebrating life with their most devoted followers. It is here where the most righteous and devout go when they die.  

Walking among Man

An important concept in the Old Ones religion is the idea that the gods can choose to reincarnate and walk among humanity. Dubbed to 'walk among man,' many of the most ancient stories dating back to Wiveria speak of the gods visiting and assisting humanity.


Among pre-conquest humans on Khalon, each of the Old Ones had dedicated oracles who practiced traditional rites and communed with the gods.
Founding Date
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Old Human Pantheon; Elterianism
Controlled Territories
Related Myths

Time of the Progenitors

0 PE 3000 PE

Before the hypothesized halfling-human split

  • The Beginning
    Eltertiel's Miracles
    Religious event

    Eltertiel saves humanity by ending a harsh winter and providing food, leading to the foundation of the Old Ones pantheon.

    More reading
  • Before Recorded History
    The Children
    Religious event

    Before the advent of writing, the worship of Geset, Edite, and Brandobar spread among the progenitors.

  • Around 3000
    Advent of Writing
    Scientific achievement

    Edite introduces writing to the progenitors. This script was traditionally used by speakers of Old Human and Hin.

    More reading

The Everlasting War

3000 PE 1800 PE

During the legendary war between humanity and the giants

  • 2750 PE

    2750 PE

    First Mention of Thumjir
    Religious event

    First mentions of Thumjir being part of the Old Ones pantheon.

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  • 2300 PE

    2300 PE

    Worship of Rast
    Religious event

    The worship of Rast becomes widespread among humans living in Wiveria.

    More reading
  • 1900 PE

    1900 PE

    Birth of Viesa
    Religious event

    Edite gave birth to Viesa, who in time granted her followers the gift of prophecy.

    More reading

Pre-Elven Era

1800 PE 537 EE

  • 1800s
    Human Arrival in Khalon
    Population Migration / Travel

    Humans first landed in Khalon along the northern shores near Treavley.

    More reading
  • 1400 PE

    1400 PE

    Emergence of Siedel
    Religious event

    As agriculture was adopted by the early human inhabitants of Khalon, worship of Siedel quickly spread.

  • 900 PE

    900 PE

    Steinheim and the Hundred slay Ig'drath.
    Religious event

    Steinheim's legendary defeat of the evil king led to him being adopted by Geset and joining the Old Ones pantheon.

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  • 100 PE

    100 PE

    Betre the Late
    Religious event

    Betre begins to be worshiped among pre-conquest humans as a member of the Old Ones.

    More reading
  • 535 EE

    537 EE

    The Siege of Treavley
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Elven Conquest ends with the fall of Treavley. Events leading to the emergence of the Ursine occur.

    More reading


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