Kith & Kin

The Kith and Kin is the pantheon originally worshiped by halflings in Khalon. The central four deities make up the Kin, with an assortment of their friends and family members making up the rest of the Kith. While the religion of pre-conquest humans was largely wiped out, halflings in the disputed lands have maintained their traditional beliefs, considering the deities making up the kith to be more like family members rather than something that is worshiped at a temple.

Mythology & Lore

The Kin

The kin represents the traditional family unit with a mother, father, brother, and sister. These gods each embody traditional roles halflings attribute to each family member. These gods, while not traditionally referred to by name, have heavy overlaps with some of the gods of the Old Ones. One difference to note is that halflings think of Eltertiel and Geset as spouses rather than a mother and son.   The Father - Geset
The Mother - Eltertiel
The Son - Brandobar
The Daughter - Edite  

The Kith

Surrounding the Kin are a variety of friends and relatives who halflings look to for advice. The exact makeup of the Kith changes depending on who you ask, but some major figures are usually the same.


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