
The Fayaran Magocracy is a nation ruled by mages in northern Khalon. Formed in the aftermath of the Great Revolt, the magocracy has since grown into an influential power in the north. Based in Treavley, the magocracy operates a school open to all magicians to learn how to hone their abilities. Mages from Fayara are also assigned as advisors to nobility in both Ilyria and Trelios.   The city of Treavley is known for its impressive magical academies and libraries, which attract students and scholars from all over the world. The city is built around the grand Arcane Tower, which serves as the seat of power for the council of six.   The council of six is made up of the most powerful and influential mages in the nation, each representing one of the six major schools of magic: divination, transmutation, evocation, conjuration, enchantment, and illusion. The council members are chosen through a complex process that involves both merit and political maneuvering, and they serve for life.  

Pre-Elven Era

Treavley was a major human kingdom on the NORTHSEA prior to the Elven Conquest. Ruled by kings and queens who were sorcerers, magic played a prominent part in society. Many human mages from across Khalon journeyed to Treavley to learn. This ended with the Elven Conquest.   Treavlian mages fought alongside other human kingdoms but were slowly pushed back by the Thyrians. Treavley was the last city to fall, holding out for three years before Thyiran legionnaires were able to breach its defenses in 537. The city was left a ruin, with any survivors being dragged away in chains.  

Great Revolt

For nearly a millennium, Treavley remained abandoned. Outer portions of the city were looted, but most avoided the interior, where magical traps remained hidden. During the revolt, gnomish and human mages worked together to support the revolutionary armies fighting Morenthyr. Their aid was essential at the Battle of Thal’Narius, where Iorath was killed.   One of these mages was Fayara, a half-elf sorcerer and leading revolutionary. She organized rebel mages into fighting battalions, teaching them combat spells to counter elven mages trained at the Senrilan Academy. Self-taught, she had a gift for evocation spells which she used to great effect. At the Battle of Thal’Narius, Fayara and her mages burned down the Thyrian navy, removing them from the fight.  


Following the revolt, Fayara and her loyal followers traveled to Treavley. Making a home in the ruins, Treavley was once again resettled, with many hoping to learn from the ancient past. Hundreds of mages traveled to Treavley to learn from Fayara, and slowly a school was once again formed. Starting in 1354, Fayara taught for a decade before mysteriously disappearing. The Lysandrian Church teaches Fayara was elevated to the heavens by Lysander for her devoted service, considering her to be a saint. Some mages however believe she likely left Khalon seeking further knowledge.  

Council of Eight

With Fayara gone, the mages organized a council to run Treavley. A senior mage skilled in each school of magic joined this ruling council. Throughout Khalon, the mages of Treavley were soon known as Fayarans, and in time the council officially adopted Fayara’s name for the region.  

Haxean Code

In the late 1360s, sporadic incidents of violence or deception caused by mages led to the council to formally adopt laws regulating magical use. Dubbed the Haxean Code, these laws on magic would be enforced on members of the Fayaran Magocracy. This code was soon adopted both in Ilyria and Trelios. Mages found violating the code are arrested and sent to Fayara to stand trial.  

The Necromantic Plot

In 1390, two powerful mages in the institute attempted to take over Ilyria. Assisted by many in the School of Necromancy, the plot was only foiled due to the intervention of the Sunforged order. The Grandmaster of the Order, Alexia Roseheart, then marched on Treavley and threatened to destroy the Institute.   Facing outrage across the continent for the actions of some of the highest mages in Fayara, the Council sided with the Order. Necromancers in Fayara were purged. Most were turned over to the Order, who burned them at the stake for practicing black magic. A handful of powerful mages like Orlen were instead imprisoned deep in the dungeons below Treavley.  

Alexian Corollary

In Treavley, Grandmaster Alexia declared an addition to the Haxean Code: the complete illegalization of necromancy. Known as Alexia’s Corollary, this addition to the code has since been observed rigorously within northern and central Khalon.   The destruction of the necromantic school was followed with the shuttering of the Enchanter’s school. One of the leading members was an Enchanter, and the school long struggled from ethical concerns with its study of magically altering minds. Its members were allowed to join other schools after affirming their oaths to the Haxean Code.  

Withdrawal from Khalon

Fayara has since become more insular, focusing on training students and studying arcane magicks without interfering in the outside world. In human-controlled lands, most high-ranking nobility will have a magical advisor from the institute, but only upon request. These advisors protect the interests of Fayara while ensuring magic is not abused by those outside the institute. A culture of political neutrality has arisen inside the institute, with members refusing to discuss their leanings one way or another with anyone outside of trusted friends.   Fayara has a long and storied history of magical research and experimentation. Many of the nation's greatest achievements, such as the creation of magical portals and the development of powerful magical artifacts, are the result of the tireless work of its mages.   Despite its focus on the arcane, Fayara is not completely isolated from the rest of the world. The nation has strong diplomatic and trade ties with other nations, and it is a hub of cultural exchange. However, Fayara's reliance on magic has also made it a target for those who seek to exploit its resources or knowledge.



The School of Abjuration focuses on creating create physical or magical barriers.  


The School of Conjuration studies spells that bring creatures or materials to a caster. In recent years, controversy has brewed over this school. Some, including the People for the Ethical Treatment of Elementals and other Conjured Creatures, argue that conjured creatures are being used against their will, akin to slavery.  


The School of Divination  


The School of Enchantmen  


The School of Evocation  


The School of Illusion  


The School of Transmutation


The Council of Six are the leaders of the Khalonian Institute of Magic, the city of Treavley, and the lands surrounding it.   The current council is: Provost Faelyn Trismaris (E) Under-Provost Hamelyn Woodwater (H) M Dean of School Zantor Krums (G) M Dean of School Phitra Tiglepisp (G) F Dean of School Lyara Carbellis (HE) F Dean of School Michi Faltrehd (H) F
Founding Date
Education, Magic
Alternative Names
Head of State
Government System
Economic System
Ilyrian Livre


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