Faelyn Trismaris

Faelyn Trismaris is the Provost of the Fayaran Institute and a leading member of the Council of Six who rules Treavley. Born the son of Oluien Trismaris, Faelyn has forged his own path away from Morenthyr. Pursuing the study of the arcane, he specialized in conjuration.  

Early Life

Faelyn was born in Allanar in 1340, on the cusp of the Great Revolt. Growing up the son of a well-to-do merchant, Faelyn was tutored by Wilm, his father’s Halfling man-servant. When the revolt began, Faelyn and his father were able to escape the city with the help of their now freed slaves. Faelyn followed his father to Calydon in 1350, spending his formative years among the revolutionaries. When his father assumed the regency in 1352, Faelyn instead stayed in Calydon. He apprenticed under Fayara who brought him to Treavley. She realized early on that he had a gift for magic. He has since remained in the Magocracy, refusing to return to Morenthyr.  

In the Institute

Faelyn became one of the first newly enrolled students in Traevley in over a millennium. At first controversial due to his pure elven blood, Fayara ensured that all students regardless of race would be welcome in the institute. This proved wise, as the combined knowledge of elven, Human, and Gnomish mages have allowed the Institute to supplant the Senrilan Academy as the premier magical college in Khalon.   Faelyn was deeply saddened to see Fayara leave in 1364. This loss did not stop him from continuing his training however. In 1365, he specialized in conjuration, becoming one of the leading mages of the school. Once complete with his studies, Faelyn spent the 1370s and 1380s as a court mage to the Duke of Swordsbreak. He would only return following the Necromantic uprising.  

Council of Six

The old head of Conjuration retired shortly after the necromancers were purged from the Insitute. As one of the most powerful mages in the school, Faelyn was chosen to be the new head. Joining the Council in 1394, he has served admirably. Second in tenure only to Zantor, Faelyn was elected to be the Provost of the Institute in 1441 by his colleagues on the council.
Year of Birth
1340 EE 115 Years old


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