Zantor Krums

Zantor Krums is the longest-serving member of the Council of Six which rules Fayara. A powerful mage, Zantor serves as the Dean of the Evocation School.  

Early Life

Zantor learned the basics of magic at a young age in his years growing up among the Cavalcade. He worked as a craftsman for years until the outbreak of the Great Revolt which he quickly joined. Working behind enemy lines, Zantor and his fellow raiders burned huge swathes of Thyrian orchards and farmlands. This havoc greatly damaged Thyrian morale, and led to near-starvation among settlements in the vicinity.  

Fayaran Institute

Following the war, he wandered for a time without purpose. When Zantor heard Fayara was refounding a school for magic, he quickly headed for Treavley. There he was quickly placed in charge of the School of Evocation, which he has run successfully since. His mages proved decisive during the Necromantic Plot, leading the purge of necromancers and their foul creations.   As a member of the Council of Six, Zantor provides his unfiltered opinion, ensuring the Provost has someone they can trust to always speak the truth. Since an incident with the Ilyrian queen Antonia, he has been kept off of diplomatic missions for the same reason.
Year of Birth
1234 EE 221 Years old
Aligned Organization


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