Grizzly Bear

Grizzly bears are a species of large bear found in the northern reaches of Khalon. The native habitat of the grizzly includes the Tarum Mountains and the forests that surround them. Centuries ago, a group of grizzlies known as the Ursine were introduced to the worship of Rast, who granted them sentience.

Basic Information


Grizzly bears have significant sexual dimorphism, with male grizzlies sometimes weighing twice that of females. Female grizzlies typically weigh between 300-500 lbs, with males weighing between 500-800 lb. Although variable in color from blond to nearly black, grizzly bear fur is typically brown with darker legs and commonly white or blond tipped fur on the flank and back. Wild grizzlies have a pronounced hump on their shoulders while in Ursine this is less pronounced. A grizzly bear's front claws measure about 2–4 inches in length, which pose a dangerous threat to anyone who would cross it.

Growth Rate & Stages

Females grizzlies tend to produce one to four young (usually two) that are small and weigh only about 1 lb at birth. Grizzlies are protective of their offspring and will attack if they think their cubs are threatened. Grizzly bears do not reach sexual maturity until they are at least five years old. This is delayed in Ursine until around fifteen years of age. Cubs are typically born during hibernation during the winter.

Biological Cycle


Grizzly bears hibernate for 5–7 months each year except where the climate is warm. During this time, female grizzly bears give birth to their offspring, who then consume milk from their mother and gain strength for the remainder of the hibernation period. To prepare for hibernation, grizzlies must prepare a den, and consume an immense amount of food as they do not eat during hibernation.   In preparation for winter, bears can gain approximately 400 lb before going into hibernation. The bear often waits for a substantial snowstorm before it enters its den: such behavior lessens the chances predators will find the den. The dens are typically at high elevations. In colder climates such as northern Khalon, grizzlies spend nearly half of their life in dens, while coastal grizzlies with better access to food sources spend less time in dens. In some areas where food is very plentiful year round, grizzly bears skip hibernation altogether.   The Ursine view hibernation as an important religious ritual, and tend to hibernate for three months of the year through the winter. If needed however, Ursine can choose to remain awake. Typically, a few in each village will remain awake to watch over the others.

Civilization and Culture


Grizzly bears have lived on Khalon for millennia. Their territory was slowly eroded by human settlements in the 1800s PE. In 537 EE, at the end of the Elven Conquest, the Knights of Rast, desperate and defending the last human holdout, taught some grizzlies rudimentary knowledge of Rast. During the Siege of Treavley, these grizzlies assisted in defending the city before it finally fell. Those that survived were blessed with sentience, and are the ancestors of the Ursine.
Scientific Name
Ursus arctos
Wild: 25-35 years
Ursine: 50-70 years
Average Height
Average Weight
300-800 lb
Related Ethnicities


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