
The Light-Bringer

Rast is the god of renewal, healing, and fire. He is primarily worshiped by followers of the Old Ones as well as the Ursine who revere him as the deity who uplifted them. His followers maintain shrines with eternal flames to honor him across Khalon.  


During the Everlasting War, Brandobar had returned from walking among man grievously injured. A cold winter night, Edite tended to her brother’s wounds in the Dreipalast. Chiding him for his carelessness, Edite was surprised to see a child materialize in the flames burning in the room. Unharmed by the flames, Rast was adopted as one of the gods’ children. Traditional legends say that Rast brought the ability to control fire to humanity, teaching this ability to various human mages. For a time, this is credited with holding back the giants during the Everlasting War.  

Pre-Elven Era

Rast was widely popular among humans prior to the Elven Conquest. Based out of Treavley, the Knights of Rast were an organization dedicated to Rast and highly respected among pre-conquest humans. The Kights became one of the last organizations still opposing Morenthyr during the Elven Conquest.  

Siege of Treavley

In 535, Treavley was the last major human settlement not under Thyrian control. Controlled by the Knights of Rast, it held out for two years before finally falling to the Thyrians. During the siege, the Knights communed with grizzly bears in a nearby wood to support their cause. These grizzlies assisted in fighting the Thyrians, inflicting heavy damages. Upon Treavley's fall, a portion escaped to the woods near the city. From these, the worship of Rast grew until a subsection of bears eventually became the Ursine.  

Post-Elven Era

Unlike the other Old Ones, the worship of Rast continued throughout the Elven Era and remains strong in Khalon today. Shrines to Rast can be found in every Ursine settlement. Gaulian worshipers of the Old Ones commonly make pilgrimages to Ursine towns to learn about Rast and deepen their own connection to him.

Divine Domains

Fire, Healing, Renewal

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A burning flame
Divine Classification
Rast as viewed by the Ursine


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