Tarum Mountains

The Tarum Mountains are a large mountain chain found in northeastern Khalon. Home to a variety of creatures, large portions of the Tarum Mountains are untouched by sentient races. The central Tarums are inhabited by the dwarves of the Demarchy while the Ursine live in various valleys scattered throughout the mountain range.


The Tarum Mountains contain the highest peaks on Khalon. Around Thegh Darom, the Tarums split between two subranges, the North and South Tarums. The southernmost Tarums are located within Ilyria, with Tirish Myr, one of the largest, being recently captured by human soldiers.   In the Southern Tarums, traveling merchants have developed paths through the mountains to bring goods from Treavley and beyond to Ilyria. These journeys can be fraught with danger, as the high altitudes allow for sudden blizzards, even during the summer months.

Fauna & Flora

In the valleys and hills of the Tarums, a variety of plant and animal life can be found. As the altitude increases however, only hardy plants such as lichens and evergreens can be found. Wolves are well known to traverse the Tarums, as well as other creatures such as elk, deer, and bears. Rumors swirl of other, more dangerous creatures existing in the Tarums, including yetis, but beyond a few footprints, little proof has been found.
A pass through the Tarums.
Alternative Name(s)
The Tarums
Mountain Range
Location under


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