Orok the Zealous

Khagan Orok, son of Borug

Orok the Zealous is the leader of the Holy Orcish Horde. Originally the Khan of the Komor Meg, Orok was elevated to Khagan during the Kurultai at Sventvaros. His deep religious dedication to Orozlan serves as inspiration for many in his army.  


Early Life

Born to the daughter of chieftain and a lowly scavenger, Orok was largely raised by his grandfather. He quickly grew taller and stronger than other Komor Meg, and soon the circumstances of his birth were forgotten. He succeeded his grandfather as chieftain at 13, and soon established himself as a leader among all Komor Meg. By 24, he was the Khan of the tribe.  


At Sventvaros, Orok represented the Komor Meg in the Khurul, and was put forward as a potential candidate for Khagan. After some camel-trading among the delegates, Orok won over the audience with his deeply devout views. Calling to establish a united orcish nation in the wetlands, his words inspired all of the orcish people.
Year of Birth
1411 EE 44 Years old


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