
Ragash the Maurader, son of Ulag

Ragash was an orc who was instrumental in establishing the orcish way of life in Sivatag. He is celebrated among the orcish torz for rescuing Orozlan and defeating the centaur, a legendary enemy of the orcs. His life is summarized in The Outcast and the Runt, a story known by every orc in Sivatag.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ragash was born during the desertification of Sivatag, with its freshwater supply rapidly dwindling. While taught to abhor violence, he realized orcs needed to follow a new path to survive. Killing a centaur to obtain water, he was exiled from his tribe. His methods however soon won converts, and with the help of a rescued chimera, he soon became the leader of the remaining orcs. Giving his life to wipe out the centaur, he is commemorated as the archetypical orc, what any orcling should inspire to be.
4000 PE 3955 PE 45 years old
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