
Thal'Narius is the capital of Morenthyr and is one of the largest cities in Khalon.


Elves make up about two-thirds of the population. The remainder is split among primarily humans and halflings, with a smattering of other races coming to Thal'Narius for business or pleasure.


Thal'Narius is one of the oldest elven settlements in Khalon. Founded in the Pre-Elven Era, the elves of Thal'Narius were instrumental in the signing of the Unification Pact, which unified the elven people under Morenthyr.


Thal'Narius is built on a small island chain. Various canals connect much of the city, with the population commonly traveling by gondola. The city is divided into various districts listed below.  

Borosil's Retreat

Borosil's Retreat is the poorest district in Thal'Narius. The District gets its name from Borosil, the God of Chaos, considered to be the patron god of thieves. Historically, the Retreat has been a hotbed of crime, however recent efforts by Emperor-Regent Oluien Trismaris have made it fairly safe during daylight hours. Many dockhands and fishermen live in this district, which until the Great Revolt was the only area where free humans could live. Even now, the Retreat is primarily non-elven, with humans, gnomes, and the occasional halfling living there. Emperor-Regent Oluien Trismaris has made many strides in improving living conditions in the Retreat, although more work still needs to be done.  

Ithellian Quarter

Home to Thal'Narius's burgeoning upper middle class, the Ithellian Quarter is filled with nice homes of professionals, such as scribes, wealthy craftspeople, and lawyers. In recent years, the Quarter has become more diverse, with an assortment of humans and halflings moving into the Quarter as their fortunes increase.  

Triarch's Isle

Separated from the rest of the city by the Grand Canal, Triarch's Isle is home to the many of the elite of Morenthyr. In the past, most Triumvirs and Conclave members resided on the Isle, along with wealthy merchants and aristocratic families. The eastern portion of this district contains the Emperor's Palace where the Emperor-Regent resides. It was originally owned by the Ancalan family, which is defunct since the disappearance of its last member, former Triumvir Cirril Ancalan.  

Gardens of Meilyr

Built during Pax Elvenica, the Gardens of Meilyr is considered one of the most beautiful places on the continent. Filled with terraced platforms of foliage collected from throughout the world. Dedicatd to Meilyr (Rast), Goddess of Growth, the Gardens played a pivotal role during the Battle of Thal'Narius, where the main rebel army landed. Fortunately, the Gardens survived the battle unscathed, and continue to be a prime example of elven architecture from the imperial era.  

The Grand Promenade

From the Grand Promenade, a clear view of the Conclave can be seen. During law-making sessions, many people line up to listen to the debates and arguments being made, cheering those who support their preferred ideology. Heavily damaged following the Battle of Thal'Narius, parts of Iorath's carapace have been used to rebuild the Promenade.  

Thyrian's Heart

The central hub of Thal'Narius, Thyrian's Heart is busy day or night. Filled with traders, hawkers, and merchants from Khalon and beyond, almost anything can be found here, for a price.  

Temple to the Pantheon

The largest temple in Thal'Narius, the Temple to the Pantheon is dedicated to the Elven Pantheon. Built before the Pact of Unification which created Morenthyr, it is one of few remaining structures that exist from this early time. Following the addition of Iorath to the Pantheon in the 400s, a separate wing was built to honor him. However, in recent years this wing has been torn down.  

Ancalan's Hold

Conclave Memorial Something or OTHER
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