Oluien Trismaris

Emperor-Regent Oluien Trismaris (a.k.a. The Traitor King)

Born into a merchant's family in Allanar, Oluien Trismaris rose to prominence during the Great Revolt through his support of the revolutionaries. Following the defeat of Morenthyr at the Battle of Thal'Narius, Trismaris was declared Emperor-Regent of Morenthyr.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Oluien Trismaris was born into a merchant's family in Allanar. Oluien grew up during the darkest times of the Orcish Migration, with Allanar being repeatedly sieged by orcish raiders. At the age of 20, Oluien joined the Thyrian Legionnaires, fighting as a ranger in a mixed race division in the Jungles of Theyennor.   Upon returning to Allanar, Oluien soon took up his father's business as a merchant. Oluien became widely respected as a reputable transporter of goods. Shaped by his experiences with humans in the war, Oluien joined People for the Ethical Treatment of Humans. He long argued for masters to show kindness to their slaves and opposed physical abuse.   Oluien married in 1339 and had one son, Faelyn Trismaris, born in 1340. Tragically, his wife died during childbirth. His son would later grow up to become a powerful mage.  

Great Revolt

At the onset of the revolt, Oluien owned three slaves and had one indentured servant. These four would eventually become part of the Devoted. In an act of kindness, his former slaves sheltered Oluien and his son from the more zealous rebels. With their help, Oluien and Faelyn were able to escape, but not before seeing the brutal sacking of Allanar by both rebellious slaves and the Thyrian army.   Oluien realized slavery was untenable and quickly came to oppose it. He spent the first year of the revolt working with Toseus Iliren, calling for an immediate end to the war and the abolition of slavery. In 1350, Oluien traveled to Calydon and offered support of the elven resistance movement.   Oluien fought in the Battle of Thal'Narius, leading a mixed-race division surrounding the city. Following the death of Iorath and Cirril Ancalan's abdication of the throne, the Devoted declared Oluien the leader of Morenthyr. Establishing himself Emperor-Regent, Oluien vowed to rebuild a better Morenthyr.  


In his time as Emperor-Regent, Oluien has steadfastly expanded right for non-elves within the Empire. The worship of Iorath was stopped, and halflings were granted equal rights to elves in 1386. In the east, non-elves are typically treated equally under the law, but Oluien's efforts have been thwarted in the west by traditionalist Thyrians.


Religious Views

Oluien worships the Seldarine, the traditional gods of Morenthyr. As Emperor-Regent, Oluien immediately banned the worship of Iorath, destroying all temples and altars dedicated to him across Morenthyr.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Emperor-Regent of Morenthyr
Year of Birth
1268 EE 187 Years old
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elven, Dwarven, Gnomish


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