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Polcheret is a commune in Qosid, located in a cavern that is also populated by Ildan bat. The commune exports guano via the market economy and trades bat meat in Thellur via the gift economy. There is a lot of turnover in the commune, as wood elves who join it spend a few years to a decade working in the area. Polcheret uses a simple majority voting system for decision-making. Its deliberative practice is limited.


Polcheret is inhabited by mostly young wood elves, who decided the join the commune as part of a process of self-discovery. Their stay in the commune is typically limited to a decade at most, although some exceptions to this have been staying in the caverns for more than a century. On rare occassions, other species join the commune, which offers an easy way to experience wood elf culture.


Like most Qosidian communes, Polcheret is run through assemblies. In Polcheret's case, these assemblies are headed by an official that is elected via an annual ritual. All community members can be elected and those chosen are prohibited from refusing to take on the mantle. If an individual is elected to head the assembly but refuses, he or she is immediately excluded from the commune. The head of assemblies is also Polcheret's Representative. In case of pressing matters, the head can appoint a delegate to run the administration of the commune.   Given the clear mission of the commune, it can be considered to be a worker's collective. Those no longer willing or able to participate in the work are encouraged to leave, and there are voting mechanisms in place to force such departures.   A recurring feature of Polchereti politics is that collective decisions provide an easy opt-out for those in disagreement. Sometimes this means leaving the commune, but other times there are less drastic ways to opt-out. For example, the decision to allow for shipments of guano to Baloodi is only put to practice by those were in favour. Those who disagreed with the decision do not provide their harvest for this purpose, do not assist in repairing transport vehicles and do not engage in any other actions supporting the decision.


Polcheret is not well defended. Each member is at liberty to carry weapons, unless an order stating the opposite was given via assembly. Near the entrance, there are guards on standby at all times, who also serve to provide medical and other services to the workers. Inside the caverns, Polchereti are expected to be able to defend themselves and their group. However, as a whole the commune is not prepared for coordinated hostile activity.

Industry & Trade

Guano and bat meat are the sole product of Polcheret. The bat meat is enjoyed in nearby Thellur, while the guano is sold to a variety of markets, mostly owing to its importance for particular magical spells. The Labarean Empire also procures guano for the production of gunpowder and as a fertiliser.


A complex system of tunnels and wooden construction lines the inside of the cavern, allowing the Polchereti to quickly and efficiently gather and distribute their materials. Near the entry of the cavern, there are supporting roles providing meals, care and religious services. A separate cavern close to the entrance serves as an assembly hall, which is also used for the traditional choir Guano Harmony.
Ereleth Gynhyr
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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