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Dwarven Pantheon

Once there were twelve great Dwarven Demigods, chosen by the Dwarven Pantheon to embody the twelve gods' bravery, strength, wisdom, cunning, craftiness, and heart. Belvär, the All-father, opened a celestial tunnel known as a bifrost and walked with the eleven other gods to the realm of Khasur.   When the Dwarves first came to this world, they were naked, it was dark, and cold, and they huddled by magmatic lakes and steaming vents for warmth, feeding from the fungal blooms and mold bogs that formed around them. It was a horrifying life, these earthen creatures lived, born, feeding, and dying again and again in the same clay and muck. Belfinit, as he was called in his vessel, became known as the First Giver, bringing form to the Dwarves and teaching them the ways of the stone. With runic empowerment, they began leaving their mark on the caves of Khasur.   Belfinit (First Giver) of clan Runeback can be found in interred in Dorvdukr (Blackflame Wall).   Next, the people of the earth mastered the flame, and used fuel and fire to forge a new made world for them to inhabit. They created objects, bastions, and great roads through the Underlands. Dolkas Dolzaim, aspect of fire, smiled as his gift was received with open arms.   Dolkas Dolzaim and Gilel (Fire Warrior) of of clan Bellowsfire and clan Quartzpouch can be found interred in Ovrak (Wise Bastion)   With this newfound power of the forge, new materials were made use of and the liquid crystals of molten metal became the form and the shape that Dwarvenkind needed. The rails that can be found in the Underland til this day bear marks of Dvthen, the Hardened One.   Dvthen (Stout Earth) of clan Steelcloak can be found in his Forgetomb in Bazaln (of the Flame Tower).   Wervdin (Battle Smith) of clan Emeraldlight and Urbrim (Death King) of clan Underbeard can be found interred in Hardack (Hearty Bridge), deep in the realms below, on what was then the frontier of how far the Dwarves would venture from their Corelands. Their prowess in forging weapons of war was unsurpassed, and his gift made the realms of Dwarves secure against the threat of invaders.   Within the rock were large veins of ice, inhopsitable to most life unadapted to it. Olakral was cunning, and bound the hides of wooly creatures to herself, and showed Dwarvenkind how to brave the cold. Additionally, ice is easier to work with than stone, and with a single strike from Olakral's legendary pick she could carve out columns for her ever-growing palace.   Olakral (Fat Stronghold) of clan Snowshield can be worshipped at a ceremonial tomb built on the surface in Whurkrak (Snow Fortress)   Not all metals are hard, and some have other deleterious properties or boons, including the swift to rust or corrode or bend metals of Mt. Bazaltum, Bazilynd. Noragrin saw use for these and set out to show the dwarves how to conduct energies, store them, and harness the polarity of rare earths. The resulting alchemical scientific revolution in Dwarvenkind altered what even the wisest longbeards thought possible.   Noragrin (Mithral People) of clan Minestorm can be found in Bazilynd (Rust Range).   Dwgli had a song to sing, that told of days to come. A storm that raged, a star that flashed, a crow that caws in the sideways rain. The other gods balked at Dwgli's vision, as he had but one eye. Yet in his melody and in his mind, he saw what others could not.   Dwgli (Fierce Pride) of clan Songshard is said to be found in Bollagg, but the location of Bollagg has been lost.   The Dwarves watched as their godling mentors came and went, and found themselves worldly curiosities to amuse themselves with, some returning across the bifrost when their wisdom had been shared. One of the last remaining, who sired innumerable Thanes, pushed their spawn to seek beyond these stone realms. Following her guidance, the Falautian Migration began as Dwarves left in great number to join one of three competing projects with a simple goal: end the ceaseless exploration downward, and direct their attention to what lies above. All three succeeded in reaching the surface in time, and Falaut Chainbreaker saw their dream of walking amongst the surface worlds with their endless kin come to fruition.   Falaut (Strong Highborn) of clan Chainbreaker can be found in Whurlode (Iron Citadel), but the location of the Iron Citadel and Falaut's tomb has been the subject of debate for hundreds of years, as during the breach of the surface, the Goblinoids were unleashed upon the world. The ensuing chaos ensured that only the elder runic carvings in existing Dwarfholds had but a chance of surviving. The epicenter of the conflict is said to be surrounding clan Chainbreaker's lost citadel.   Duervar (Dark Outcast) of clan Cloventhumb and Zelias (Great Anvil) of clan Grudgeborn are scantly mentioned in the Dwarven Ettas, but are told of in folktales as tricksters and devils, not to be trusted as far as they can be thrown. Their tombs' locations are guarded secrets by all Dwarvenkind as the magic and/or contained within would be a scourge upon the world if unleashed by the wrong hands.


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