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Monastic Orders of Khasur

A monastic order can take many shapes and forms, including self sufficient societies living outside of mainstream cultural norms, and brotherhoods and sisterhoods within bastions of civilization, who seek to spread their message, or effect events. Khasur is a very religious world, as in eras past Gods walked among the people if the stories are true, and those who worship deities and cosmic forces are often able to wield magics they attribute to their gods. For good or for ill, divine magic is used by many groups.   Dwarves are devoutly religious often, as their gods fan the flames in their forges and bind together the rock and stone of the very mountain they dwell within, if you ask a Dwarf. Their fates are written in the veins of minerals in the mountains, and born out by their deeds on the battlefield. A monastic order of dwarves usually adheres to the principles that the god or demigod projected in their life and deeds.  

Religious Orders:

Belfinit (First Giver) has a monastic order that has a prominent place in Dwarven society- in the Aktas Vaults foothills, what's known as Dwarf Country, they make their pastoral home in a grand abbey. Monks through and through, they delight in fine wines and ales, cheeses and other agrarian delights. They dress in simple wool and spend years of their service making fine chainmail garments for those of their order.   Dolkas Dolzaim and Gilel (Fire Warrior) are two demigods that are renowned for their creation and stewardship of the forgefire and crystal crafting traditions. In eras long gone there was an order of smiths devoted to Gilel who forged great weapons of magic, and Dolkaz Dolzaim's disciples created the cannon emplacements found in some ruined Dwarfholds to this day.   The Dwarves of clan Steelcloak in Bazaltum are long dead, and their order devoted to Dvthen (Stout Earth) is only spoken of in legend by the elders. They were renowned for their alchemical mastery. Noragrin (Mithral People) is another deity local to Bazaltum, an area left to the sands of time. His followers were known for their use of the legendary metal in even day to day life.   Wervdin (Battle Smith) and Urbrim (Death King) are deities associated with the Corelands, Wervdin occupying a similar role to Dolkaz Dolzaim and Gilel in that they forged weapons, but distinct by the type. The variety of weapons Wervdin's Battle Smiths craft varies, but they all fall within the category of handheld melee weapons. A smith could spend his whole life in pursuit of mastery of hammersmithing, or crafting the finest lances, the best swords, etc. Urbrim (Death King) is the patron of the order of Dwarves who regard themselves as set on an inevitable path towards death in glorious combat. They swear an oath to fight with reckless abandon and to take as many filthy greenskins and demons with them as they can on their way out in a blaze of glory.   Olakral (Fat Stronghold) and her followers pride themselves in precision and finesse, using single blows from their picks and hammers to cleave great masses of ice from the endless rime of the Mroz Range. Their favored weapon is a warpick, and are renowned ice builders.   Dwgli (Fierce Pride) of clan Songshard is the bardic god of the Dwarves and there is a college of musicians and storytellers in Aktas, the heart of the Dwarven way of life. Where their ancient city dwells has been lost to time.   Falaut (Strong Highborn) is not worshipped by any order on the surface, and is commonly glossed over in tellings of Dwarven history, known only as the Godling who saw the sky first, and gave way to a lineage of great Dwarves. His name is often listed last in the sagas, along with Duervar (Dark Outcast) and Zelias (Great Anvil), known patrons of the deep Dwarves that shun the surface world and regard it as corrupt and impure. What orders they have in their name is only known by scholars of the Auld Weraldi or Old World.  

Secular Orders:

The Order of Brewers creates the imbibements of the realms.   The Niter Companies is a loose organizational consortium with ties to several surface dwelling cities, specializing in the procurement of volatile substances and refining of gunpoweder.   The Drift is a semi-spiritual order dedicated to the reclamation of the Dwarven and other Underland races home strata, and ancient technologies. They outwardly work for interspecies cooperation and have strict rules of engagement that they enforce to the best of their ability on the subterranean network of highways, low roads and common byways. It is a matter of Dwarven pride to take back what has been lost to centuries of encroaching Greenskins and viler things that dwell in the deep.


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