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Rhea, Leinth, & Fornax

Long ago, the gods Rhea and Leinth were friends and lovers, and the two danced through the primordial world of Khasur, before the great Conflagration came and changed everything in their realm. They brought needed death and seeded new life with every step of their intricate dance, and spiraled round, and round. Rhea and Leinth knew they balanced each other, each of them filling a role, fulfilling a purpose. Rhea's footfalls left life and growth, while Leinth left withering death.   When tides changed, and the Conflagration was came and went, Rhea grew tired, and was tended by Leinth on an endless vigil. They bore a daughter, Fornax, and her mercy and warmth was given to the mortals that remained. She blessed them with the fire of creation and transmutation, allowing the mortals to bend and shape metals to the will of their mind, through not only their hands and the sweat of their brow, but their sheer will. This allowed the first humans, naturally drawn to the fires to dance and caterwall round them, to grow a special affinity with Fornax. She is worshipped at temples throughout the Rymbyrig Confederation. Her parents are worshipped many places, but none moreso than in the Elven Megalopolises, where they are revered as the only true 'demigods', the first children of The One.


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