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The Island

A set of mist shrouded peaks, jagged rock devoid of trees, protrudes from the constant, second sea of fog that sits above the tossing waves. Three, maybe four pinnacles can be seen from the shoreline to rise taller than the rest.   The Island our cast of characters finds themselves upon is, by ship, several days South by Southwest of Ringkobing Bay and the Bal'Gol Fjord. Predominantly forested in the lower elevations, the slopes of the mountains are gradual, until they reach the treeline, where the effects of millenia of the sea's sharp winds and smothering storms are evident.

Among these hills and along these shores can be found a variety of biomes, recognizable to a seasoned traveler, but unique in this microcosm out so far from the mainland. Foremost among them are the lush forests, mixes of cypress, palm, hazel and the star leafed maniu trees. Stretching from the forest's edge near the beach, sand and rock comingle, pops of dark black stone against the grey shore. The sands continue for some distance out to sea at low tides, leaving foam and swirling tidepools, suitable habitat for numerous small creatures.   This island appears on no known maps, charts, or manuals of maritime navigation. This is made all the more strange as it lies not far from a region of nautical fame and fortune, the Kingdom of Keel. Perhaps the island has remained an enigma for a reason?

Natural Resources

Ample supplies of somewhat gnarled and twisted timber is available, as well as fresh drinking water, food, and fuel.
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