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Celestial offspring

Basic Information


As the number of discovered Aasimar in the mortal plane is limited, it is hard to define common physical attributes that truly separate the Aasimar from humans. The known cases can however be described as "supernormal". They share common traits with normal humans, but in Aasimar these physical traits tend to function as superstimuli. Individuals that have been in direct contact with Aasimar commonly describe a feeling of intense trust and comfort after witnessing Aasimar, comparable to the experiences as accounted by acolytes that have been in contact with celestial deities. A confirmed physical trait across the known Aasimar is the possibility of spreading wings.

Genetics and Reproduction

Aasimar have born children, though not all the known offspring exert Aasimar traits.

Growth Rate & Stages

Aasimar seem to mature and follow the same life cycle as ordinary humans with one noticeable exception: Their lifespan. Cases of up to 160 life years are registered.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Similar to humans, but hyper stimulated.It is believed that specific ancestral heritages, stemming from celestial bloodlines, affect phenomenological traits. The eyes have often been cited as an example, them being either gold, all white, gray or topaz.

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The exact extrasensory capabilities of the Aasimar are unknown. However, the account given by the xenopologist Gruggoum Mudgut in his work The anomaly in the Sea of Korum described the following encounter involving his hired Aasimar protector Ophiel:  
"It has been to the dismay of our entire crew that we find ourselves in the middle of this sea without any bearing. Even the starlight seems to have disappeared. We are blind. The entire crew is panicking as it is. Noises can be heared. I think the sirens have found us. They are calling! [...]  She stands there, at the helm. Totally unfazed by the siren calls. But how? A strange glow seems to emit from her. Thank the gods that she came to me in the port. [...] We have escaped. If it were not for Ophiel we would have been lost. She navigated the ship out of that hellhole as if her eyes were not clouded by the unnatural darkness." [P128-133]

Civilization and Culture


Aasimar history is meager, as there have not been many Aasimar in our world. Yet in the rare case of an Aasimar spawning, they tend to be prominent in their respective scholarly annals. Aasimar therefor seem to be destined by birth to great perform great deeds. As such, folklore treats Aasimar as mythical and mysterious. It is, for scholars like myself, hard to distinguish what parts of our literary records concerning Aasimar are facts, and which are fiction.    The aforementioned Ophiel, for example, is present in most tales of Mudgut. The details, however, sometimes seem too fantastic to be true. Mudgut sometimes describes Ophiel as "Azariel incarnate", which seems a bit far fetched to be true. However, the connection of Aasimar to celestial beings is unquestionable. As these beings are hard to grasp for mortals such as myself, the question concerning their destiny is only a philosophical one.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Demi Hominus Divinus
Up to 160 years
Average Height
Average Weight
124‒280 lbs
Average Physique
Similar to humans, but hyper stimulated.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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