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The monster in the Sea of Korrum

It is said that in the sea of Korrum lives a creature beyond terrifying. A being of such colossal stature that it is rumored to be able to swallow a Sloop sized ship in its entirety. Contrary to many other mythical creatures, this creature has been sighted many times. What follows in this entry are excerpts from the book Terrors of the Deep: separating the factual from the fantastical by the fellow contemporary scholar and paragon of the ontologic gospel, Theodore deWitt



C4. Gargantuans

The Serpent of Korrum
Many tales and folklore are known in Literature regarding the creatures of the deep, though not many are as terrifying as the monster in the sea of Korrum. What will follow here, on this entry in the encyclopedia is a selection of sources from the library of Strutholm. Though not all may seem convincing on their own respect, it is the cummalitive of these sources that gives a convincing argument as to the existance of this creature by rule of the emperical. The first-and perhaps in popular spheres the most famous sighting-is given by the xenopologist Gruggoum Mudgut during his oddysey in his work The anomaly in the Sea of Korum. He describes the following encounter involving his Aasimar protector Orophiel:  
              8th of Veal, 92. It is a cold departure from the port of Torda, though not unheard in this time of year, it is still exceptional. Orophiel doesn't seem to be phased by any of it, however. The two of us have been granted a place to study and work in the captain’s quarter, luck would have it that we have picked one of the more luxurious vessels.   10th of Veal, 92. Unfortunate news from the captain. He has received a message from Moth's light outpost. Apparently, a heavy storm is ravaging the coast. The captain is calling an emergency meeting. [..] Orophiel, after seeming to be intensively studying the world map, took me aside with an unusual look of worry on his face. He seemed to have plotted out the presumed new course suggested by the captain and urged me not to agree with it. A matter of life and death, he called it.   11th of Veal, 92 [..] Orophiel stood watch in the crows nest the entire morning, not looking away even when the cook brought him lunch. [...] By the gods, what a disaster we escaped. Halfway between high noon and sunset, Orophiel thaumaturged his voice to signal the captain to set a starboard course immediately. The captain, not at the helm at that moment as he was attending the crew, hurried back to the wheel when we were hit with an unnatural gust of wind which effectively doubled the knots sailed at that time, later determined to be Orophiel's work. That was when all crew onboard unmistakenly witnessed the beast. About 2 miles out, straight ahead from the bow, a gigantic snake-like torso revealed itself for a brief moment before disappearing again underneath the waves. The captain had set course starboard for no more than 20 seconds when a gigantic serpent head rose from the abyss, mouth agape and traveling the same course we had been traveling mere seconds ago. One of the spikes on its head made contact portside, gaping the deck - and luckily only the deck - in the process. The bow wave of the beast pushed us aside at least three widths if not more, almost capsizing the vessel in the process. The beast returned to the depths as its long body followed, scales at least 1 meter across, and fins on the length of its ever-arching back. It seems as if the beast has lost interest after this encounter, as no further sighting occurred. [p.68-83]
  Another account is described by the renowned clinical doctor in pyschoanalys in the Bright Keep asylum, Anna Freudelieben. She (named T in the transcipt) describes a neurotic patient [P] that claims to be the only survivor of the Serpent's attack on his vessel. What follows is the transcript of one of her sessions with this patient, an elf named Elnaril, as he recounts his tale during a subcounsious therapy session using hypnosis.  
              [start of log]   [T] "Starting session 23 of Patient Elnaril Caidan. The date is Fallow, 3, 122. The time is 3 hours past the sun's highest point. How are you feeling today Elnaril?"   [P] "I'm feeling a bit better doc. The sleeping powder you prescribed really helps. I've actually slept a good full night for the first time in 12 years 3 days ago."   [T] "Good to hear Elnaril. How do you feel about today's proceedings? Are you prepared to go back to the moment that haunts your dreams?"   [P] "What do you think yourself, doc? Of course not. I've been sweating and nervous all morning. But what must be done must be done. Put me under, doc."   (some background noise and shuffling can be heard as the therapist and the patient move from the desk to the chairs.)   [T] "Are you comfortable Elnaril? Good. I want you to look at this medallion as I start moving it like a pendulum, can you do that? Very good Elnaril. I want you to relax your breathing. Focus on my count. In, and out. In, and out. In, and out. Very good Elnaril. You feel your limbs get heavier; your mind becomes drowzy. You get more and more tired. The chair becomes warm, and inviting, like the embrace of a lover. You close you eyes, and fall asleep." (a short moment passes)   [T] "Can you tell me where you are Elnaril?"   (another short moment passes)   [T] "Elnaril, can you tell me where you are?"   [P] "... at the Grover Harbor."   [T] "Can you describe what you see?"   [P] "My mates Tiarsus, Saleh, Ayen and me are sitting at the Inn to discuss the game plan for the upcoming gig."   [T] "What is your upcoming gig?"   [P] "A Redmond Official came to the boss, telling him about a Royal Navy frigate transporting great riches from the recent victory over the pirates of Dragon's Lair."   [T] "What happens after this meeting?"   [P] "We enter our small sloop, and set sail at sunset. We should be able to intercept the frigate this way during the night and catch them by surprise."   (a moment passes, patient can be heard humming a popular sea shanty as if he is on a boat)   [P] "We arrived! The guards haven't noticed us yet. All quiet, lights out. We're docking and throwing our grappling hooks over the railing. Silently we go by every guard and cut their throats, at least a 4 dozen we took out us five! And by gods it paid off. Riches beyond counting in the hold. Gold, gems, diamonds! We're rich boys, we're rich I tell ya! Wait, what was that? It seems like something hit the hull... The entire ship is moving out of the water! We rush up, up the stairs onto the deck. It's dark, I can't see shit. Another hit makes me lose my balance, and I fall to the ground face first. It all goes dark as I hear the sound of water falling. I look up, and there it is! A creature, enormous and monstrous beyond proportions! Even the moon is swallowed by this creature it seems, as the darkness has now only intensified! Oh god, what is it doing? It's coming down on the ship! Jump! Jump! (patient is heard screaming and crying as the sound of hurried footsteps and a door slamming open is heard.)   [end of log]
[editors note: A few minor encounters and sightings of fishermen are described. I will skip to the last entry in the book]   Lastly, there is the very recent sighting by some men of the Royal Guard. I received special permission to the library of Redmond for writing this book, as I was informed by Erryn himself of this classified document. What follows is scripture of an encounter between the captain of the Royal Navy, Jaxon, and two of his subordinates.  
              "Gents, what you have told your commanding officer today can never, ever, leave the walls of this castle you hear me? Scribe, that counts double for you. You'll be hanging from the gate tower with your guts hanging over your balls, you hear me? Now, tell me the details."   "Sir yes sir! Leister and I were doing a routine aerial patrol along the south coast. It was warm, bright day, low humidity and high visibility. Perfect flying conditions. Anyway, we were sent a message by the court wizard, Erryn, in which he told us to immediately dispatch 150 clicks south of Korrum on a rescue mission as he himself on his turn received a distress signal by some high 'n mighty VIP"   "I don't like your tone, marine. Remember, your job is on the line here"   "Sorry sir, you're right and I apologize on behalf of my colleague here. As Nathaniel was telling, we received a message from Erryn and we immediately set out to the given destination. I must say, sir, I was kind of afraid as the place he sent us too was awfully close to the Island. You know, the one where Mudgut lost almost his entire crew? Anyway, we arrived in the area, and lo and behold, there was the VIP's ship, hauling full ass from what appeared to be the direction of the Island. We were circling about 1 click above, so their ship was just a spec in our eyesight. But god almighty I will never forget the sight of what we saw underneath them. A serpent, sir. A big, motherfucking snake. If the ship was the equivalent to an ant from our point of view, that motherfucker was the equivalent of a god damn rainworm."   "Language, marine!"   "Sorry sir. Anyway, we swooped down until we were about 200 feet above the ship to survey the situation. But we were too late sir. As we nosedived down, the serpent went in for the kill on the ship and swallowed it whole. Nothing was left."   "Don't discuss this with anyone, marines. You will both be granted a commendation for your bravery. Now, dismissed!"

Historical Basis

What I will tell you here will jeopardize my position as head scribe, and possibly even my life, as what I will reveal here is one of the most closely guarded secrets of Aurleen. What Mudgut described in his work The anomaly in the Sea of Korum is not a work of fiction, it is the only account we have of the Island designated as The Isle of Monstrum. It is situated far, far south from Korrum, and it is said to be protected by the mother of all Sea Serpents, Matrina. One other expedition to the island was set up, which ended as described above in a quick but devastating failure.


Though most citizens know of the legends and myths of disappearing vessels in the sea of Korrum, not many know who or what is behind these disappearances. That is a secret most closely kept by the king's government, as not to cause widespread panic.
Painting inspired by the Sea Serpent
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
Troughout history
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