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Cordelia Spiteclaw

"What sort of punishment could you possibly provide that the world hasn't already inflicted upon me!?"

A bit on Cordelia:

During the events of the Two Decks, Cordelia Spiteclaw was summoned by Buk as part of the Conjure Woodland beings spell in an effort to safely pull the last card from the Deck of Many Things. Buk decided on a Sea Hag as they posess hands with which to pull cards and he would not feel bad if a negative effect were to happen to her. Thorak Leadquencher however, was in the middle of an argument with Buk and without thinking immediately dispelled Buk's magic, but not before the Sea Hag managed to pull the Wish card. The result was Cordelia being sent back to the Feywild, now in posession of wishes and no longer under any obligation to use them for Buk's benefit.    

The birth of a Hag:

Sea hags typically bother less with crafting the perfect environment for their daughters to grow up and Cordelia was unceremoniously dumped in Halmstad. Her life was no less miserable despite this however, being adopted by multiple foster parents who thanks to their superstitious beliefs as a town of sailors often abandoned her when her powers manifested or even just due to her having become a problem child thanks to the poor treatment she got.  
  At some point she drew the attention of a group of individuals looking for children with an innate affinity for magic. Whether she was released or escaped, or even what happened during this time is unknown but when she received the Call shortly after, she jumped at the chance to receive power and a place to belong. Cordelia became a true hag and took on the last name of Spiteclaw.   The coven she formed didn't last for long however, as her mother became arrogant and drew the attention of a contingent of Redmond soldiers. As her mother was even more cruel in her treatment to her than any before her, she had no qualms about leaving her to die at the hands of the Redmond soldiers and escaped. Cordelia Spiteclaw spent the next decades laying low, becoming increasingly bitter and paranoid, barely scraping by in the dark corners and bodies of water in the Feywild and Blightforest. While not incredibly powerful, during this time she became adept at survival and developed a strong sense of cunning in addition to effectively using every limited resource at her disposal to maximum effect.  


Cordelia Spiteclaw is as cruel, hateful and selfish as they come. While cunning in battle and sadistic in victory, Cordelia still prefers avoiding physical conflicts. She lies and manipulates as naturally as she breathes, trying to keep herself out of harm's way and relying on misdirection or mental assaults. When forced into battle she violently and mercilessly lashes out with anger and fury, while trying to cause as much chaos as possible.   Beings like the Lady of the forest and Melisande aren’t easily removed from power, even with wishes. For Cordelia, gaining the power of the Moon card while the lady of the forest was out of commission is an opportunity she grasped with both claws
Current Location
Orange, Black sclera
Green, Seaweed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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