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"Avast ye landlubbers, hold yer goldpouch close and dagger drawn here." - Ol' Black-eye
  This port-side pirate city, build onto the exterior of the white rocks of Opportunity Bay, is ruled by the pirate Lord and their council of captains. Braxton "Redwater" Cutlass is the captain of the strongest pirate crew in Dagger and thus is the Pirate Lord. Inhabitants call the pirate lord "Fleet Commander" as Dagger is at war with Kul' talar for territory in and around Shill. The recently destroyed city houses many treasures and resources over which Dagger and Kul' talar fight. This lawless city houses the most feared pirate crews in all of Korthia and is widely avoided by merchant ships in the area. Raids on nearby villages and townships are all in a days work for inhabitants of Dagger. Treasure "liberated" must of course be spent, and this can be done within Dagger. There are hundreds of alehouses and shops in Dagger that can satisfy a pirate's needs. Many if not all citizens are drunk at any given time of the day.


Pirates, stowaways, bandits, cutthroats and swashbucklers.


Dagger is ruled by the current most powerful crew within the city. Over time, the people of Dagger have learned that leadership comes and goes like the waves. Dagger has seen many Fleet Commanders in its existence and probably will see many more.


There is no safe approachable side to Dagger. All sides are protected by cannons and gunfire.

Industry & Trade



This city, much like other pirate cities, has its foundations made from old ship parts. Over the years, people have built more prominent households onto the exterior of the rock but one may still see the design of ships throughout the city. In front of the city are three massive horns called "the Kraken Horns". Dagger's shores are protected by these horns that when blown disorient the waves through the waters to disguise Dagger's location from the sea monsters.


Shipyard: Creaky Joe is the shipwright in Dagger. This man has lost his right leg early in his life. "The Doctor" made sure he could walk again with a prosthetic. Joe repairs ships day in and out, this is his only topic of conversation when he drinks at an Inn. "The Wild Windrunners" currently oversee this part of Dagger.
  Black Market: If you are looking for exotic goods, you are in the right place in the Black Market. All manner of trades is done here from rare dragon turtle meat to ancient relics. "The Maelstrom Raiders" currently oversee this part of Dagger.
  Bloodharbor: Sea monster attacks are a constant threat around Dagger, but over the years myriad lucrative industries have grown out of hunting and harvesting the massive creatures. Vessels haul them back to port, to be rendered down into meat, oils, hides, armored scales and even bones and teeth for sale at the thriving Black Market. "The Sea Lurkers" currently oversee this part of Dagger.


Dagger has the largest shipyard in Korthia. Dozens of ships get repaired or stocked up in this shipyard.

Guilds and Factions

Current Pirate Lord Crew: "The Redwater Pirates"


Dagger is one of the few cities not built on previous settlements before the calamity. Captain Fury was the first to permanently settle after his ship crashed on the rocks. From their ship remains, the crew built their shelter and expanded from there.
Braxton "Redwater" Cutlass
Founding Date
102 AC
Location under
Characters in Location
"Dagger, your lord has returned!" - Braxton "Redwater" Cutlass
Kralgen's Wrath - Redwater's flagship


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