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Dead Man's Marsh

"Wait, did you hear that too?" - Sulfur Greendew
  the swamp-like environment of Dead man's Marsh is solely inhabited by Nagas. Its restraining grasp holds those weak of mind. The ever-calling voice of the deep lures unwary travellers close. The roads slither like the denizens itself. Not much is known about the swamp, as not many have lived to tell the tale. The only known information is that there are tribes of Naga origin who seem to work collectively.   The Nagas who inhabit the swamp are relentless defenders of their territory, gutting everyone who dares steps foot in their land. They are known to use primal magic to aid their defence. the Nagas also have their own kind of weapons which they make themselves. King Graham leaves the swamp for what it is. As long as the Nagas stick to their territory, they don't cause any trouble.
  The only time the Nagas conversed in human affairs was in the Siege of Heaven's Keep. Mogarath promised the whole river flowing East as new Naga territory when Graham would fall. Luckily, Team Treebark prevented this.


There is no solid ground in Dead Man's Marsh. the whole area is coated in thick, heavy mist. The trees seem to grow abnormally large and sprout dark green vines.


As far back as history itself, the swamp has known to exist. As the humans settled, they worked around the swamp as it was not inhabitable.
Location under


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