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A Study on the Life of Juazall, legendary adventurer from Aurleen.

This document has been created to gain more insight of the life of the long-passed adventurer, aiming to serve as an overview of the chronological event that occurred in his life. Juazall caught my attention in one of the tomes found in the Prismatic Library, both from a personal but also historical point of view. We will try to add to this based on what we are able to find in other tomes, scrolls or any other information source.

- Hamendi Farmane, Researcher at Sky's Watch.  

A Developing Continent

From what we have been able to document it seems Juazall started life very peacefully. He was born 98 years before the Calamity on Aurleen, on a mountainous island we now know of Isle of the Sun. He lived there until shortly after the event, when he seemingly decided on a whim to live a more adventurous life.

Juazall left Isle of the Sun and went to go for a more nomadic lifestyle around the age of one hundred, never staying longer than a few weeks in a sing. Looking at the timeline of Aurleen we believe Juazall must have seen the continent develop during is early years after the Calamity. We also think this might be where he must have picked up some of his famed martial skills, battling monster roaming the wilderness.  

Forming an Band of Adventurers

After years of roaming the continent Juazall went looking for others with a similar lifestyle with the goal to form a group of like-minded adventurers. It is tough to pinpoint an exact year when this happened, but the first mentions of this group are as early as the year 129.   The group achieved legendary, but also infamous, status because of their achievements and methods.
Author's Note: The documentation on the group's actions is spread far and wide across various Aurleen and seem to be of drastically varying quality. This unfortunately means that documenting this is an ever-continuing process. Since I am striving for an accurate documentation, I will be adding these events to this study whenever I am sufficiently content with its quality.    

The Curse of Success

Unfortunately the adventuring lifestyle is not one to generally grant long and healthy lives. While Juazall's band of adventurers was now quite well-known throughout Aurleen, they also definitely made some enemies along the way. However these enemies did not resort to physical warfare it seems. Many tried to use their political (or any other) influence to put the group in bad light, but not with too much success.

While their enemies did not achieve a lot in their campaign against the group, one well-documented event did in the end cause them to finally disband. After years of intense adventuring Juazall apparently fainted while meeting with potential clients. This was in the year 161, when Juazall was around the age of 259 and had fallen ill. Even though Juazall had always said to keep adventuring until he would die, nobody imagined it would almost become true in the literal sense. The illness prevented him from going on any more adventures, and since his now-wife Anla refused to leave his side the party had to disband.

Unfortunately, being unable to go on any more adventures proved very troublesome for Juazall. The now-peaceful life he was living with his wife Anla and three children Alym, Orly and Yamac proved almost more taxing on Juazall than the adventuring lifestyle. In the end this seems to have proven to be true, as Juazall passed away around five years after he first fell ill.

In the end we can look back at the life of Juazall as one of adventure and quite some influence on current-day Aurleen in various ways. He lived through some major events in the early years of the continent, and had a life many would be jealous of.
98 166 264 years old
Bright blue

Character Portrait image: Tortle Barbarian by Gaston S. Garcia


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