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The Elemental Plane of Air

Keturah, or more commonly named the Elemental Plane of Air, is an Inner or Elemental Plane in the Great Wheel of Cosmology. It's located between the Elemental Plane of Fire and the Elemental Plane of Water.
Keturah is a place of continuous lavender skies. It has a lower gravitational pull, this makes it that people feel lighter and non-flying creatures won't ever fall to their death. In Keturah, there is no known ground, only islands connected with rope bridges. On these floating islands, they built many houses and temples. There are even hanging temples that are home to the Aarakocra.


Keturah is inhabited by many different types of creatures. The most prominent are the Djinn, the Savann Audra and the Savann Leveona.


The Djinn, also known as air genies, are the direct creations of Leveona. When the Goddess of Breezes started creating life on Keturah, she created the Djinn to be spiritual guides to the other life forms. Nowadays many Djinn still serve as guides in the different temples. Some of them also partake in politics, as there are a couple Djinn that are members of The Circle of Whispers.

Savann Leveona

The Savann Leveona, also known as air genasi, are the result of mixing Djinn with humanoids from the material plane. The Goddess Leveona gave the Djinn the idea to procreate with the humanoids so they would get a new perspective on life.
The Savann Leveona are a generally peaceful race. Many of them work and study in the temples, and some of them are even part of The Circle of Whispers.

Savann Audra

The Savann Audra, also known as storm genasi, are an Audran counterpart of the Savann Leveona. They were created by the Goddess Audra during the The Fulgurite War. Audra took inspiration from the Amarkeeri, and infused the Savann Leveona with some of their vigour. By doing this she created a race of soldiers who could protect Keturah when needed.
The Savann Audra mostly reside in the Halls of Thunder. Many of them are clerics or paladins that serve Audra. Some strong Savann Audra can also influence the weather with their emotions.


There are different notable locations on Keturah.

Leveona's Labyrinth

Leveona's Labyrinth, also referred to as The Labyrinth of the Two Sisters is a spiritual path located at the border between Keturah and Sèhreia. The labyrinth is a central part of The Tale of Two Sisters, the tale about the creation of Keturah, and thus a very important religious location. The labyrinth is built on a floating island and is completely covered in ice. It's filled with a soft mist of pink and lilac hues. Many believe this mist is the same breeze that led the Goddess Leveona to the mirror. Many young Kethurians try to find their way to the mirror. They see this as a trial of spiritual awakening. It's said that one who finds the mirror will be faced with their true purpose.

The Amethyst Palace

The Amethyst Palace is a tall palace in the center of Keturah. The walls of this building are made of beautifully polished amethyst. The light passing through these walls gives the sky of Keturah its lavender hue. Windows made of prismatic glass make rainbow lighting appear on the floors of the palace. The palace walls are also adorned with many intricate designs.
The palace serves as the governing capital of Keturah. The Circle of Whispers meets every week in the lantern of the highest tower to discuss the current state of Keturah. Kethurians also visit the palace to talk to the council members about possible issues.

The Halls of Thunder

The Halls of Thunder are very tall grey halls made out of fulgurite. It's built in the same spot where once the original Temple of Audra was located: at the border between Keturah and Azar.
During The Fulgurite War, the original temple was destroyed but they were left with a lot of fulgurite. This fulgurite, also known as fossilized lightning, was a result of the sand crossing over from the glass desert being struck by lightning. To the Savann Audra this material is a sign of their victory on the Azari.
At the moment the Halls of Thunder are the bases of most Savann Audra. This is where many clerics and paladins of Audra follow their training to become protectors of Keturah.


Kethurians are very spiritual people. As there are many temples all around Keturah, many folks serve one of them. Most of these temples are for the creator Goddesses Audra and Leveona, but there are also some temples for minor deities. This spirituality is also what binds the citizens, creating a very tight-knit community with not much poverty. Citizens also can communicate their needs directly to the governing organization, The Circle of Whispers, as the members are mostly ordinary Kethurians. This open communication helps them grow as a community.

Because of their spirituality, there are many festivals held in Keturah throughout the year. One of them is the Rise of Dal Quor, a festival celebrating the moment of the year the veil between Keturah and the Plane of Dreams is at its thinnest. This is also the moment that dreams are most vivid, making it feel like a spiritual awakening to many Kethurians.
For the Savann Audra the commemoration of The Fulgurite War is also a very important event. On this day many of them put tokens of appreciation in the Halls of Thunder, to thank the Goddess Audra for their strength and power.

Kethurians are mostly dressed in the colors of the sky. Flowy robes and gowns in soft tones of white, pink, lavender, and blue are very common for Kethurian women as well as men. Many people adorn their apparel with small beads and tokens that reflect perfectly in the light. Different versions of the Kethurian Holy Crest can also be found on these tokens or painted on the forehead of religious Kethurians.
Followers of Audra mostly add darker shades like grey and dark blue to their outfits. Because of their protector status, they also wear pieces of armor. Many times silver and grey threads are woven through their robes, representing Audra's thunder.
The hairstyles of Kethurians mostly include knots, sometimes adorned with flowers and thread.
  • Primordial (Auran)
Alternative Name(s)
The Elemental Plane of Air
Inhabitant Demonym


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