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The Fulgurite War

The Fulgurite War is a war between the Azari and the Kethurians dating from 83 BC to 67 BC. It was fought on the border between Keturah and Azar. During the Fulgurite War the Temple of Audra was destroyed. After the war the clerics of Audra used the fulgurite to create a new building in the same place: the Halls of Thunder.

It all started when a large entity knocked on the door of The Sulaymanns palace. This man, Kronkus, towered over the Efreeti, standing almost 25 feet tall. He sat before them with a big grin on his face: "What a beautiful city, it really seems like you have everything you need. Or at least, everything Azar has to offer. But is that really enough or are you just settling?" Kha'lid Sulaymann, the current head of The Sulaymann, felt how his blood began to boil as he felt humiliated by the words of the Empyrean. "We are not weak, we don't settle for anything but perfection" he growled. His nails dug into the sides of his throne, as he did his best to stay patient. "Well then," Kronkus said with a smile, "Let's have some fun. If you already obtained everything Azar had to offer, why not look for something somewhere else?" This most definitely peaked Kha'lids interest, as he gestured the Empyrean to keep talking. "Let me tell you, you have two choices" Kronkus spoke, "Your first option would be to go to Zao-Toh, which is overgrown with different gems. As the Elemental Plane of earth these are a common recourse to them. But let's be honest, they will put up a strong fight. On the other hand, you could also go to Keturah. I know, they don't have as many gems as Zao-Toh, but have you seen their palace? And of course, these spiritual buffoons wouldn't stand a chance against you." Kha'lid licked his lips, and thought for a bit. "What would be in it for you?" he asked. Kronkus yawned and looked at the Efreeti for a bit. "I just need something to cure my boredom. All my mother and aunt seem to care about is the peace in Keturah, but where's the fun in that? All I ask of you is a little bit of chaos, and in return I will use my powers to help you succeed."
That day, a deal was made which led to the biggest war in the history of Keturah. Only a month later the Azari troops invaded Keturah

For more than a century, the Azari troops fought the Kethurians. As more and more soldiers died at the Temple of Audra, the lightning of the Savann Audra created shards of fulgurite on the ground. Kronkus kept his word, and used magic to influence his mothers army. This gave the Azari the upper hand. He used his mothers blind spot at to his advantage: her love for him. Every time she started finding out that he was behind it, he made her stray from her path. 
It was only on the day he was caught red handed, that Audra finally accepted her sons role in the war. She used her powers to banish him to a small land on the material plane: Aurleen. Here she created a prison he couldn't escape from, underneath the city of Strutholm. This place later became known as The Halls of Kronkus.
Without the influence of Kronkus, the Kethurians found a way to defeat the Azari. Thus came a end to the Fulgurite War.
Start Date
83 BC
Ending Date
67 BC


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