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Somewhere in an inn in Torda 

"Hm? Whatdya want? Pelastus? Haghaghaghagha! What? If I can tell ya about it? Of course I can! Sit down, bucko, and let me tell ya all I know!"

"People all have their own ideas and versions of this story, but I'll tell ya the story that is most common: a long long time ago, when Torda was only a small township, a group of "traders" came from the Khala Jari Desert. What they were trading...? Slaves. Souls lost in the desert, picked up by these criminals, only to sell to local "lords" if that's whatcha wanna call 'em"

"Now these weren't ya friendly local slavetraders, ya'know? Most of the slaves didn't even make it to most "lords", 'cause of the beating they received during their travels. That's how ya knew the slaves ya bought were strong and resilient.

One time, the slavetraders were traveling with a large group of people, around 40 people. The largest they ever had. Among them was a kid. No parents, no siblings, no nothing. No name even, at least not that I really know of.

A few days into their journey from the desert, they're about half way. They set up camp as the sun started to set. Nothing unusual. The night progressed as it had always done. Until the lone kid started bawling his eyes out. All the traders were asleep except for the one keeping guard and he went over to the kid. "Hey! Shut your fucking mouth, you rat!" The kid didn't comply. "I'll bash your head in if you don't stop!" The kid kept crying. The trader opened the cage and came close with his sword held high, ready to smack his hilt against the kids head. But! Before the guard realized it, the kid had burried a dagger in his neck. After some gurgling the trader dropped dead.

The kid snuck out of his cage and went over to the other traders. He killed 'em all and freed the other captured folk. Suddenly, a trader appeared from behind him. One that the kid missed. He held the kid up by his hair, unsheathed his dagger and sliced his throat open. Safe to say that the trader should've just left, since the former slaves started to beat the shit out of him, haghaghaghagha! The freed slaves buried the kid out of respect and graditude. On his body, they found a ripped piece of paper with a few words on it. None of them stood out particularly except for one: Pelastus.

The kid died and they remembered him by that name, but the slave trading died as well. The word of freed slaves spread quickly and the "lords" were overthrown. Never thought a small kid like him could've brought such change. In his honour, they named the region after him. After all, this region wouldn't be as free as it is without him. No idea where the paper went either. Such a memorabile is probably worth a lot of money. Some say Braax has it, just to show that even though ya can kill or overthrow criminals once, there'll always be some other criminal lord sooner or later. Others say it has been brought to The Ancient Library, the place where it supposedly came from. Those are just rumours, though, based on nothing. We shall never know."

"Hold on, that's not all! Traders tell tales of spending the night along the road in Pelastus Valta and finding the dead bodies of raiders not far from their camp. Bodies only marked with a stab wound in their neck. Think whatever ya want, but if I were ya, I wouldn't go around and attacking no traders"

"Now get me a drink! All that talking has made me thirsty and I think you owe me one for telling ya all that!"

- Tordan Bar Dweller


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