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Vedalken Calendar

The following document is a literary analysis of the collection of papers named Regarding the Vedalken. More specifically, this is an analysis about the calendar used by the Vedalken. Whilst some of the information stated in this document comes directly from one of the papers in the bundle (namely the paper Regarding Vedalken Dates), most of the calendar shown below is a mere speculation, based on the information in the bundle. It can therefore not be claimed to be one hundred percent true and should be thought of as such.   Note that the bundle Regarding the Vedalken has been translated from old Draconic to Common by several scholars and that whilst most of the papers are readable, a lot of words were deemed too illegible to be able to translated properly. Therefore scholars have entered guesses for the translations of these illegible words in the papers based on context as much as possible. It must be noted that the writer of this bundle is speculated to not be of Draconic descend, eventhough the bundle was writen in old Draconic. One can read more about this in another article of mine, aptly named Regarding "Regarding the Vedalken" .   At the end of this paper, the Vedalken Calendar has been recreated including the start of Aurleenian months as to improve the readability/usability of the Vedalken Calendar for the reader. Below the calendar, I have also included a table so that the interested reader might translate an Aurleenian date to that of a Vedalken date.

Calendar Structure

As mentioned in other papers in Regarding the Vedalken (most prominently in the paper Regarding Vedalken Tactics), the Vedalken are a warmongering race with an efficient and precise way of faring war. This manner of warfare requires are a calendar that reflects this. It comes to no surprise that the calendar consists of twelve months and a festive period. These twelve months consist each of thirty days, whilst this festive period is speculated to be The Five Days of Creation. One can read more about this speculation in the paper Regarding Vedalken Strongholds (see The Five Days of Creation) from the bundle. To a commoner, who is used to the Aurleenian Calendar , the Vedalken Calendar looks boring. Months being named purely on their place in the year, days being named purely on their place in the "week" and all months have the same length. A week, for the unbeknown, is a segment of a month of consistent length, in the case of the Vedalken Calendar weeks have a length of 10 days. However, for military personell the Vedalken Calendar might be worth using because of its structure, were it not for the absolute chaos that is the Aurleenian Calendar. Below an excerpt of Regarding Vedalken Dates in which the names of the months and days are presented.

Regarding Vedalken Dates

'Tseems a Vedalken hath no emotions and [thinks? works?] purely rational. 'Twould therefore be [ridiculous? absurd?] for them to hath any thing less than a purely rational naming for their months. 'Thath taken me and mine [companions?] from a near tribe nearly two [illegible], but 'twould seem that we are coming close to knowing the names of their months. Furthermore, as luck would have it, we also [acquired? obtained? retrieved?] the names of their days. 'Tseems their days repeat in naming after several days, [five?] to be precise. Their naming is strange however. Taking notes from language of the Gods [the writer is probably referring to Celestial], their first month starts right after the Days of Creation. 'Tmust be so that our years do not start at the same time and that their year either starteth or endeth with the [Days of Creations?].
  Note (again) that the writer says that the year starts or ends with the The Five Days of Creation, while in another paper in the bundle (presumably written by the same author) he says it is pure speculation. The following excerpt is referencing the names scribbled on the back of the paper.
As one can see, their naming is [structured?], indicating what place in the year they hath. However, 'tseems their naming for days [differs? differentiates?] in origins from that of their naming for months. 'Tis pure speculation, but 'tseems their months stem from the Language of the Gods, whilst their days stem from an unknown language, perhaps [illegible] itself.
  The language from which the names of the days come is presumably Vedalken alhtough I cannot be sure as it is unknown what other languages they master. It already comes as a surprise that they know Celestial. I have chosen not to include the scribbled names on the back of the paper, as one can view these names for themselves in the calendar below.  
Vedalken Calendar Aurleenian Calendar Gregorian Calendar
Primidus, 1 Blessings, 6 May, 15
Duodus, 1 Fallow, 4 June, 14
Tridus, 1 Solis, 24 July, 14
Tetradus, 1 Kings, 2 August, 13
Pentadus, 1 Kings, 32 September, 12
Hexadus, 1 Harvest, 10 October, 12
Heptadus, 1 Aes, 11 November, 11
Octadus, 1 Arglar, 18 December, 11
Nonadus, 1 Ny, 10 January, 10
Decadus, 1 Ny, 40 February, 9
Undecadus, 1 Tharn, 26 March, 11
Dodecadus, 1 Veal, 22 April, 10


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