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"Let the meeting begin!" - Hallard Silvertongue
Currently the biggest city-state in Korthia, Ysala has grown exponentially over the past two centuries. It was one of the first settlements to be founded by the wild civilisations after the calamity, with more joining even now and new districts pop up regularly as its inhabitants do their best to deal with the massive daily growth. While there’s already well-established guilds and factions, there’s plenty of opportunities for new arrivals to shape the future of the city and people from all over who heard about the big city come to carve out a new life for themselves.  

The Lobby

Ysala is ruled by “The Lobby”, a Triumvirate of companies called Balance, Knowledge and Profit respectively. Each company has its own representative and they collaborate in ruling Ysala. Each faction has its own guild, which excavates ruins to further their faction’s interest. The many people of Ysala align with one of these factions and take an active part in their community. Some are not willing or incapable of joining either company and remain neutral. Factions have learned how to co-exist with each other and one will rarely see aggression towards another faction. Each faction and their respective guilds has their own responsibilities and tasks to complete to keep Ysala functional.


    Wardens of Balance are in tune with nature and with it the Wildplague. These people have learned to make the Wildplague work for them with the artefacts its guild uncovered. The Balance faction takes up one-fourth of the city and all live in green, leaf-covered houses. Their way of excavating is nature friendly as they will not destroy or otherwise harm the Wildplague, but rather use previously acquired artefacts to either move aside or temporarily disable it. Faction members will not speak of the Wildplague but rather of Natures’ wonder.

The crest of Balance features the twin god Kyrilian lifting large scales. It symbolizes how the gods help preserve the balance in the world.    


    Arcanists of Knowledge are wise and truthful. They seek knowledge about Korthia and how it functions. They use artefacts to uncover hidden truths and will battle every form of corruption within the city. The Knowledge faction takes up one-fourth of the city and has built large, dark purple, spiral-like structures for their research. Their way of excavating is direct but slow. Arcanists will gather as much information as possible before conducting an excavation. This leads towards more powerful artefacts as the Arcanists can accurately assess which artefact they need with the information provided.

The crest of Knowledge features a three winged owl. This creature symbolizes the knowledge of past, present and future.    


    Entrepreneurs of Profit are cunning and tactical. They rule the financial status in Korthia and are unmissable in the city’s functioning. Always on the lookout for new artefacts to accumulate more wealth, the Profit faction ventures the furthest outside Ysala and have connections all over Kortia. Though not all excavations are as risk-free, they more than often are profitable. Entrepreneurs’ way of excavating is destructive and mechanical. They see the Wildplague as an obstacle to overcome on their way to pre-calamity ruins. The Profit faction takes up one-fourth of the city and has workshops and markets everywhere within their district. Artefacts obtained by Entrepreneurs are used to empower various mechanical purposes.

Profit is the only company with an ever varying crest. The crest depends on the strand a person belongs to. Important members of Profit have their own crest with their face on it, showcasing their wealth and power. The crest displayed in this article belongs to Maldrin Magni, head of the Magni family.


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